Pixarteers Thread!

Yeah I’m going to take the “you need to be in high school” rule off.

Sure, you can join! :slight_smile: Welcome!

Yay new members(?) oh and this is so cute (and creepy) youtube.com/watch?v=RU44VpUvrAc Watch it!!! :smiley:

Anyone who is following my Fan fic, I updated it this morning.

Yay new member! Buzz&Woodyforever!!! :smiley:


Hey Katie! Yay! welcome Buzz&Woodyforever!!!


Hey Garrett!! And B&Wforver :smiley: Tomorrow’s Fridayyyyy happy sigh Why coudn’t everyday be Friday?

HI!!! :smiley:

If everyday was Friday, the world would be a better place.

:smiley: What’s up? I think I’m gonna change my HP sig… I’m a day behind! These things are so hard to keep up with :smiley:

I need to change my sig and avie soon.

^^ agreed. Hahaha if only this could be true… :smiley:

That’s an awesome sig.
Also, x3haijessiex3, to get my username on the first post, do I have to give you my name?

I don’t think you have to, cause if I remember there were blanks there for peeps who didn’t give their name. I guess whenever she’s here she can add you :smiley: You can call me Katie, btw. :smiley:

ANNNND im John… John Davis. lol kidding im Garrett! :slight_smile:

Ok. Hey Katie. Hi Garrett. You guys can call me Cole.

Hey Cole!!! :smiley:

Hello Garrett!!! LOL :smiley:

Hey! COLE!!! :smiley:

OMG! THIS IS AWESOME!!! youtube.com/watch?v=NePUCL-tHMk

LOL That is a pretty awesome video.