Pixarteers Thread!

I totoally forgot to say goodnight last night sorry :frowning: . You guys talking about this is really killing me :open_mouth: I WANT TO SEE IT NOW!!! But, I gotta wait :frowning:

Only 32 hours buddy, 32 hours.

Where I live it will be released at 6PM. Be here at exactly the turn of the hour and all the epic gooey goodness will be released.

And no, I just said gooey because I wanted too. NO COTTON CANDY INVOLVED!!

aww no!!! 36 hours of pain and suffering! :frowning: oh no cotton candy??? Bout to say Pixarteer brand cotton candy!!! :smiley:

LOL! Sadly not, because I donā€™t have a cotton candy machine! sobs :frowning:

GREAT! My life long dream gone! :cry: How am I SUPPOSED TO TELL MY MOM I CANā€™t be a cotton candy vendor??? :cry:

I dunno manā€¦ Tell her youā€™ll become a donut vendor to make up for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys, could I join? :smiley: I love Cars, it was the movie that started my Pixar fandom!

Hey kiddos!!! Wait, what exactly is coming out today??? Iā€™M EXCITED!!!

Welcome K9Girl! Great to have you here! :smiley:

@Evangeline: Not today, tomorrow! And only a few people know exactly what it isā€¦ :smiley:

OH MY GOSH GRACE YES! I mean I guess you can the high school rule is gone!!! Yayayayayay

I canā€™t wait til tomorrow!!! :smiley:

I canā€™t wait for tomorrow, either. :slight_smile:

omg yesssssss!!! Grace!!! But thats not up to me. :confused: Anyways
@Konrad I guess Iā€™ll just go with being a singerā€¦ Singing my cover of Cuppy cake! :smiling_imp: lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I put up a new chapter of my Halloween special. I try to do Sids Story today too.

Itā€™s tomorrow?!? I guess I havenā€™t been on that much since last Saturday. :laughing:

LOL! I guess not Chuckles!

Actually, the project is officially finished! :smiley:

ā€¦but youā€™re still not going to tell us about it until tomorrow? :confused:

it is??? Hmmm where do you liveā€¦ Mwahaha! :stuck_out_tongue: lol kidding! (not really im gonna steal it :smiling_imp: ) haha!

Exactly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just trying to keep everyone excited! :smiley:

EDIT: @mopar5 Ya canā€™t steal it! Thatā€™s not possible! XD

thats what Jacob said and I made him eat his words. Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Awwwww. :frowning: