Pixarteers Thread!

This is gonna be sweet. lol Konrad don’t tell them some Pixarteers already know. Oh whoops…did that just fly out of my mouth? :unamused:

awww come on!!! :cry: lol 21 hours left :open_mouth:

Don’t worry, mopar, that time’s going to pass easily when you go to sleep!

I hope! Though I’m not sleeping for a while :confused:

Just keep cool. :slight_smile:

okay… shakes like a clothes dryer lol I’ve decided… Cuppy Cake is my new theme song!! :laughing: (I’m a loser) haha!

What’s cuppy cake? :open_mouth:

OMG its sooo cute! :smiley:

Cute? I found it more weird than cute. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. :laughing: That’s really scary!

pssshhh ha! Gave it a 5 out of 5 on youtube and twitter! :stuck_out_tongue: Cuppy Cake FTW!!!

I quit watching it after about 10 seconds. :laughing:

I watched the whole thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoa. :laughing: Maybe someday I’ll go back and attempt to listen to it again.

she was 3 when she sang that. Lol its soooo awesome! Haha driving my brother insane he tweeted Jessie to tell me to stop facepalm (pathetic) lol!!!

It’s not that bad. :laugh: I can sit though it, but it sounds like one of those little girls from horror movies. :open_mouth:

haha! There is another remixed one with cuse words though :confused: And yeah thats what I thought too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha. Anyway, I’m getting off the computer now. :slight_smile: Talk to you later!

Oh god. :confused: I can’t imagine. I’m not even going to go look for it. And no, Garrett, that isn’t a song that you can request for me to make a guitar video for. :laughing:

EDIT: Bye bye! :slight_smile:

bye Grace!!! Seeya!

Ohh come on pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeeeeeee! Play it! :smiley: please! :stuck_out_tongue: lol