Pixarteers Thread!

Scary quick, no? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah seriously!

Let’s tweet the URL. :stuck_out_tongue:

HUZZAH!!! The surprise has been revealed! Now… we wait.

Yes, it was scary quick.

Waiting for action? :stuck_out_tongue:

Last thing we want to happen is for it to stagnate from not enough posts, so let’s get talking! We don’t want a permanent syrup hour. :wink:

Aw, man. I would keep talking on the forum, but I gotta go! I’ll be back later, though! :smiley:

See you later, Grace! :smiley:

Aww, bye Grace!

Bye Grace! :smiley:

I posted the link on the first page. So now, the people who want to join know where to go! :slight_smile:


EDIT: I just joined!

Yep! :smiley: So now we can’t possibly bother anyone!

LOL! Can’t wait to see you Buzz&WoodyForever! :smiley:

greaaat another forum. Lol no really coool!!! :smiley: join later. :slight_smile:

Remember to tell Ami, Garrett! :smiley:

will do but I dunno if she will or not she barley gets around here. :confused:

Because she’s always PMing you. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s true though! She always used to be here. :frowning: It’s other stuff too, but still.

Heyyyyyyyy… Lol :stuck_out_tongue: no but really she already knew. It’s in her sig too. :slight_smile:

She already knew…? =o How did she find out before we let it go?