Pixarteers Thread!

no no no she knew before I told her.

I know, that’s what I mean. How did she find out? :open_mouth:

She skimed here. I think.

Oh alright :slight_smile: cool!

Yeah. So what is to come of this thread?

It stays. Now, those who want to join the forum just need to ask here.

Oh okay… Sooo can I join? :stuck_out_tongue:


Did!!! :smiley:

Yes!! We need to get more people on! :smiley:

When other Pixarteers come back, they’ll see we’re gone and wonder where we went then they’ll realize. =P

Ami says nighty night!

Ami says nighty night!

I put up a new chapter of the Halloween special today. I will be doing it everyday till Halloween.

David, we have a new forum, most of us (or all of us) will no longer post on this thread.


Please notify us there from now on but please post your stories here on Pixar Planet!

@Pixarfan91 Please come into the new forum. There will be more of an effect because we’ve all gone there.

@Jessie What other Pixarteers? o.O

The ones that haven’t posted in a while.

Alright so here’s my game plan: to effectively keep up on both forums, I’ll have to split my posts between both sites. So I’ll just substitute the Pixarteers site for the Pixarteers thread. All the everyday stuff we usually talk about will go on the new site because it’s really chill over there, and there’s no worry of taking up space. All my other stuff will still be PP, like movie discussion, music, books, etc. The art of compromise is a beauty! :slight_smile:

Same here. =) That was my plan, the only thing is the conversation about space we’re having is taking my attention away at the moment. It’s intense!

I will still use Pixar Planet more but will talk on the forum site for Pixarteer stuff.