Pixarteers Thread!

Okay so I think it’s pretty much settled, no? :slight_smile:

I’m confused. :confused: Lol nah I get it. :slight_smile:

Do you really or are you just saying that?

lol I get it :slight_smile:

Sure you don’t want me to explain it slower for you? 8D


Hmmm ya better just to be safe xD :laughing:

Wait, seriously? :open_mouth:

Muahahahahahahahahahaha :smiling_imp: roflmho no I’m messing with ya! :laugh: or am I? :confused: Lol no I am kidding! :laughing:

Okay, because you freaked me out for a minute. :laughing:

Oh. I thought I do that all the time :laugh:

No this was about to take it to a whole new level of Garrett. If possible. :laughing:

Really??? :open_mouth: No. Way. :laughing:

Um whatcha talkin 'bout? :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

Garrett being weirder. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wer’e all weird…but yea he’s weirder… :laugh: :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol :laughing: I had no idea that was EVER possible! :open_mouth: bbl I gotta eat and then go somewhere k? Missed Ami today -.- ttyl

K… :slight_smile:

Hey guys I’m back. :slight_smile: I needed to clean my bathroom. -.- My parents told me to.

ewwww. Lol I’m about to leave I’ll be back at like 9-10. :confused: oh, Ami said she will be back soon :slight_smile: <3

Isn’t it super late for her?