Pixarteers Thread!

So, how is everyone tonight?

Pretty good. :slight_smile:


Jessie- Oh, you should! I’ve had a few Cars dreams before, they were so funny!

Can I have more examples? :laugh:

Sorry, but they’re amusing! :smiley:

^ They are amusing. I love them. :laughing:
One of them, all the Radiator Springs residents were on a picnic, and then everyone was throwing stuff at Lightning, and when he got tangled up in the picnic blanket, Sally said she wasn’t anybody’s friend anymore, and she went home, and then I think everyone ran away screaming. :laugh: Man, that was a weird one.

And another one, I think it was something like Doc and Lightning were driving in circles, and then it started raining, and then Guido gave them both a pit stop, and then when they got back to town, they found Sally painting the Cozy Cone Motel neon green, and then Chick Hicks came over, laughed evil, spilled paint on himself, and ran away laughing. :laugh: And then Mater said something like “Hey, it’s getting late!” even though the sun was still up and everything. And then Lightning decided to inspect a cactus, and I woke up. 8D

^ Lol
Hey guys. I’m just here to say good night and I hope you guys had a good day. :smiley:

Also, I’ve spent about an hour using Mac’s Text to speech program to make everything sound like Auto. :laughing:

Those are the weirdest dreams I’ve ever heard! xDDDDDDDD

One of the very few reasons I would ever switch to a Mac. :stuck_out_tongue:

My dreams about movies are the weirdest ones. :laughing:

Morning Carsteers!!! :mrgreen:

K9Girl:What the deuce?! 8D

Good morning guys!

I have the day off! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Heck yeah! I’m so relaxed right now. It’s amazing.

I needed this little pick-me-up. :sunglasses:

I’m still Laughing about that dream K9Girl had
LOL :laughing: :laughing:

My favorite is the picnic one. :laugh:

I know when she said ppl were throwing stuff at Lightning

The picnic one is my favorite one, too. 8D

For the record, I wasn’t able to have a cars dream last night. :frowning:

I wish.

Aw. :frowning: I’ll be hoping you get one soon!

I would never want to wake up if that happens. Like, I’ll get super angry if I wake up for something stupid! :stuck_out_tongue:

Every Cars dream I have ends up with me being stuck in that world