Pixarteers Thread!

I call him Professor Birdnest, because of…whatever that junk is on his roof. :wink:

On a scale of 1 - 10, he seems like someone who would take it pretty far. I’ll give him a 9.

K9Girl:This is fun! :smiley: It’s like a Pre-Trivia

I call hin coo-coo bird for the same reason,and plus in the trailer when you look at him when he says “No one can stop us…”) one eye is bigger than the other,which is where the coo-coo comes from :laughing: …but yeah he looks pretty bad…

^ It is! I was hoping that my dream about Cars 2 would help, but it was pretty useless. :laughing:

I never dream about cars.

Ppl don’t know nothing. :imp:

David, I’m sure you’ve seen my last posts about trying to get xCarsLuverx to calm down about the negative comments directed to Cars 2. You posting that probably just made it worse. The whole point of this thread is to get away from people like that.

So please delete that post, so I don’t have to calm her down again.

Change of subject real quick, I am hungry. Okay back to more Cars… :smiley:

I just ate! And finished studying for midterms :shake:

Yuck testing :frowning: Lucky! What did you have???

Ramon noodles… however you spell that :smiley: Delicious

I dunno lol I am going to go eat now bbl. :laughing:

What was your dream?

I don’t have those yet. :confused: Soon though. Do you feel good about yourself? You seem worried. :frowning:

I’m just scared about failing, cause they’re 20% of my grade. But I told myself I wasn’t going to study anymore tonight, cause overstudying doesn’t do me much good.

How are you???

I’m sure you’ll do just fine. Chin up. :slight_smile:

I’m doing well. How is everything with you? It’s been a while. :sunglasses:

It’s pretty good! I know, it’s been forever. Nice glasses :sunglasses:

Thanks! Yours are pretty awesome too!

I don’t really remember all of it, but I remember seeing all the clips from the trailer, and then Mater was stuck in a box , and then I think Lightning lost one of his tires in the middle of Italy and it landed in the ocean. :laughing: And then McMissle was listening to some rock music. It was very weird!

If only I had that dream! 8D I would have never wanted to wake up!

I didn’t really want to wake up, but I ended up doing that pretty soon after I left the theater in my dream. :laughing:

I’m gonna beg my brain to create a Cars dream for me now. 8D