Pixarteers Thread!

Hey there, good morning. :slight_smile: How are you?

Good,free time huh? :slight_smile:

I hate mourningsā€¦ Butā€¦Good Mourning Everyone! :smiley:

Yep, well, sort of. :wink: Iā€™m just feeling nervous and stuff. :frowning:

Good morning, David!

Why,whats up?You ok? :neutral_face:

Hello! :smiley:

Mopar in da house!!! :sunglasses:

Roflmho Yes me is! :laugh: Whatā€™s up? :slight_smile:

Yeah, Iā€™m fine. I told you before why I was nervous-through PMs.

Hey Garrett. :slight_smile:

Oh about that.,ok gotcha :wink:

So anything new about Cars 2?

No,Iā€™m trying to look it upā€¦but I think the second trailer may come out in a few weeks cause after these three weeks itā€™s 4 monthsā€¦

The last time a sea of new Cars 2 stuff revealed, the trailer wasnā€™t so far behind. :slight_smile:

Maybe itā€™s the same pattern? :neutral_face:

Yeahā€¦I think theyrā€™e playing mind games with usā€¦ :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

I still think theyā€™re hiding a huge thing thatā€™s going to happen in the movie that even the people who saw the early screening, didnā€™t see the huge thing.

I knowā€¦all this uncertianessā€¦GOD WHERE IS A TIME MACHINE WHEN YOU NEED ONE!!! :smiley:

No, forget the time machine. I like the guessing game! :slight_smile: However, we need more clues!!

Ok,on the evil scale how bad do you think the new coo-coo bird will be? :laughing:

Ok,on the evil scale how bad do you think the new coo-coo bird will be? :laughing:

I love this Cars 2 guessing game. :laughing: Even though there arenā€™t many clues, Iā€™m still having fun.