Pixarteers Thread!

All the cool stuff happens in New York…They even have a new shuttle… :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair, I thought Mater was going to be there too, but he need to go to a different spot. :frowning: So I’m only meeting two of my heroes, but it’s all good. :slight_smile:

Someone’s going to college soon. :wink: Not me :stuck_out_tongue: you.

Well, I got a new… looks around … Pencil! Beat that!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey,Garettt jus wanted to say hi b4 I go to bed… :slight_smile:

Awwww :slight_smile: lol well hi! :slight_smile: :laugh:

You don’t have long until your birthday. :wink:

Yeah I know :open_mouth: another year down the drain. Less than 2 hours to go. I don’t think Ami is going to be back tomorrow either :frowning: but her card makes my day no matter what. :slight_smile:

Card? From England? :open_mouth: Must have been a lot of money.

Mornin Carsies and Cars twosies!! 8D

Stamp says £1.65 so I think that’s like 3 something here. I haven’t opened it yet. I plan on sending her something back. // hello!

Garett’s 17!!! :smiley:

Yeah :open_mouth: I feel weird being called 17…

Yo,17 waz crackin!! :sunglasses: 8D

LOL :laughing: :laugh: not much, gonna go to Lake Anna soon tho :slight_smile: you?

Doin homeschool… :slight_smile:

lol That’s cool :slight_smile: :laughing:

Why haven’t you opened it?

I wanted to wait as much as possible to see if Ami would be on, but she couldn’t :confused: I opended it :slight_smile: it was so perfect <3


Anyway, I got a Russell bobblehead from Disney Movie Rewards in the mail Saturday!

lol today was great :slight_smile: I just got into an arguement with a robot about God too… She’s smart. Really smart. Lol