Pizza Planet Truck Location?

No way. This is not the Pizza Planet truck. WALL•E looks more like the truck than that blur. 8D

I think it looks more of the side of a bulding than the truck.

Hehe, just a suggestion. 8D

I under stand.

Jeez, times like these I would love to ask Mr. Bird about its whereabouts.

Only Syndrome could squeeze the answer out of him. XD

Or maybe we can get Mr. I to get it out of him.

LOL that is, if it really is in there…

Hey, we are all still looking for it.

Yes, after four years. And the hunters are the ultimate Pixar fans, and TI tans in your case, TSS. :wink:

yeah well, I’m not giving up yet. :unamused:

Okay. If you find it, congrats, and PM me for the 50 euro prize. It’s real. :wink:

And also, how many years will it take for you to believe it?

We’ll see A113. Only time will tell.

is it acctually there? or are we looking for nothing…=/

id like to help find it =]

Well, it has been 4 years and we haven’t got a 100% confirmation yet.

When will the blue-ray version of TI released ? Wo maybe we can get clearer image, and we can re-find pizza planet truck… and IF in the blu-ray version we still can’t find pp truck, I guess there is no PP in TI, and I really don’t like that idea :frowning:

Kel Bel: You are looking for nothing, but you are welcome to look.
TSS: You have…from me.
TK: Sorry, but it’s not in there.

Well, beleive what you want to believe A113.

(on another note, the Pizza Planet truck is found in the Incredibles :unamused: Video game)

Does anyone know when The Incredibles will be released on Blu-Ray? It will make looking for the truck a heck of a lot easier, that’s for sure.

I’ve checked already, don’t see anything. Also, most of the visible cars were blurry anyway. Sorry.
[size=34]Along with the fact that it’s not in there! XD[/size]

Does it count that I found the truck in the video game? Or does it have to be from the movie? Because on Dash’s first level, it is totally 100% visible, you can’t miss it.