Pizza Planet Truck Location?

A113 - You can believe that it’s not there, I will hope that it is. Until then lets agree to just have the approach that it may or may not be there, and it doesn’t hurt to look, expecially as John Lasseter said that it is in every Pixar film. Ok? :wink:

TSS - No, that doesn’t count. But eventually I want to have a section in the Pixar in-jokes list about references in Pixar video games, so hold that thought and remind me in, I don’t know, a few months or so, and I’ll add to the list.

Could you guys please give your opinion about whether this could be the Pizza Planet truck? It’s from just after Mr and Mrs Parr have an argument and they have all gone to bed and the camera pans out of the neighbourhood. I would give you an exact time, but there would be no point as my DVD is shorter (long story.)

I’ve lightened the second image to make it easier to see. I was thinking that maybe the rocket on top of the Pizza Planet truck would be hidden by the roof of the garage…

Sorry to disappoint you, rachelcakes. The top of the rear end of the Pizza Planet truck is white. Besides, the shot is too distant and dark for anybody to be able to recognize it there half-hidden…

But hey, I never thought to search this scene. You have a good eye. :wink:

I know the Pizza Planet truck as well as i know the DInoco logo. That’s not it, no way. Just another one of those yellow cars.

But that wasn’t a bad place to look, Rachel. :wink:

I tried looking there, but then I thought, “Wouldn’t the rocket on the top of the PP truck be a little noticable?” Still, a clever place to look.

I guess that isn’t it, then. Oh, well. Thanks for the feedback anyway, peeps. I’ll keep on looking for it in my spare time.

TSS - Yeah, but it wouldn’t be as noticeable if the rocket was covered by the roof of the garage, you see. :wink:

are any of the highway scenes good places to look??

Nowhere in the movie is a good place to look, because it’s not in there.

Also, the highway’s been done tons of times already. I think Syndrome’s island would be a novel place to look. :wink:

not a bad place to look…but he doesn’t have any cars or any car scenes.

A113: I think it could be on the Highway scene. But if you want all the scenes with cars, you got a lot, ranging from the Glory Days to school, to moonlighting herowork, to the highway scene. NOw that is a lot of cars.

I don’t think the truck would be in the highway scene simply because if it was, it would have been found by now… but you never know. You’re right, TSS, there are more car scenes than the highway scene, so we should look there. I never realised how many there were until I looked out for them, like when Mirage is following Mr Incredible in her car, for example.

A Pixarian mentioned not long ago that it was in the reflection of a window while the Incredibles are fighting the Omnidroid. I went through pretty much that whole scene and didn’t find anything, but I admit that I wasn’t being the most thorough when I was looking for it. If anyone wanted to go through that scene with a find-toothed comb and look at the window reflections, than that would be great. In fact, if a group of us were assigned a section of the film each, then the task wouldn’t seem as daunting as one person having to look through the whole movie for it.

A113 - We know you don’t think the truck is in The Incredibles, but when you keep saying that without offering any tips on how to find the truck, then it doesn’t really help the people that do want to find it, and it gets annoying after a while. So please say something constructive in the future or nothing at all. Thanks. :wink:

Sorry, I don’t get it.

Al-Bob: Are you sure?
TSS: Eh, we’d’ve found it by now. But those other scenes might be all right to look, i guess.
Rachel: Sorry, but it’s not in there. I’m 100% positive. But anyway…

Rachel: I think that’s a good idea. But remember this:

ABL and MI were the only two films where the truck was not on a road, so ths means it could be anywhere.

I’m thinking we should all try looking places that don’t have any roads. A113 is easier to hide than a rusty old truck, but the truck could be a representation or something somewhere. It could be a toy. It could be an advertisement. It could be a tattoo.

Whatever it is, it’s somewhere in the film, and one of us is gonna find sooner or later. :smiley: I say let’s all look on Nomanisan. I’ll take care of the 100-Mile Dash sequence. Then there’s when Helen’s searching for Bob. Then when Bob’s searching for the Omnidroid. TSS and Rachel, you can work on that. I’ll have my results soon. I do have fullscreen, so that might be a disadvantage, but who knows? :wink:

cough cough cough XD

To be perfectly honest A113, I don’t find that funny at all. :confused:

i didn’t think of that…hm

A113 - I have no problem if you don’t think it’s there, it’s just when I do try and look for it, and the only thing you have to say is “it’s not in there,” well, that doesn’t really help, does it?

But I do appreciate you theorising on where it could be, even if it’s with a hint of sarcasm. I agree that it might not traditionally be the Pizza Planet truck we are all familiar with: it could be initials (PPT), a framed picture, a figurine, anything. We may eventually have to think outside the box. But I couldn’t tell from your tone if you are really going to try and look for it, and I mean really look for it, or if you were just joking. If you want to look for it in those places, then good. I’ll cover the first quarter or maybe even the first third of the movie and report my results soon. I look forward to seeing what you have found.

Al-Bob - No need for you to quote everything, especially if it’s from a prior post. :wink:

TSS: It wasn’t supposed to be. :confused:
Rachel: Yes, i’ll be looking in every scene with Nomanisan on it. I’ll be back with my results soon. (zilch would probab…never mind. XD )

In the Cars Blu-ray director’s commentary John Lasseter says:

John Lasseter wouldn’t lie about that.
May the search continue!

That’s good to know, Martin. He also said it in an interview, so it’s encouraging to know he mentioned that fact somewhere else. Did John Lasseter give any clues about where it could be found in The Incredibles?

I’ve got time this weekend so I’ll look for the Pizza Planet truck in the first quarter - third of The Incredibles. If anyone else wants to offer to look for it as well, particularly if it’s within another section of the film, go right ahead. :sunglasses:

I have The Incredibles on tape and watched the traffic scene dozens of times (maybe not the entire movie each time though), rewinding and pausing and putting it in slow-motion. I just couldn’t catch the Pizza Planet truck there.
For all we know, it might not even be an actual driven vehicle. :bulb: Maybe it’s a picture, or print on something…just my guess. This is the only Pixar film so far that I haven’t caught the Pizza Planet truck in…yet.
Let’s continue the adventures of Finding the Pizza Planet Truck! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />

Martini: Either Lassiter is telling the truth, or he wasn’t thinking of TI at the time.
BBD: I too belive that the truck could be a picture of something if not an actual vehicle.