Pizza Planet Truck Location?

Yep, I also think there is strong possibility that it could be a picture, ornament, a cloud in the shape of the truck, anything except the actual truck itself. Makes things a lot harder when you’re looking for it, though, since you don’t know whether to look for the truck or at other props…

I’m thinking the same thing. :confused:

I know a lot of evidence points to the Pizza Planet truck not being in TI, but would John Lasseter make the same exact “mistake” twice? I’m sure he aknowledged TI on both occasions. Also why can’t anyone accept that it could just be a blur?

People make mistakes quite often, but since he’s said it twice, you never know.

If i ever meet him, i’ll ask him. Even though he probably won’t tell me. :laughing:

I think if there is one that you should ask, it should be Brad Bird.

Unless he won’t reveal it, and wants fans to find out themselves. But you never know until you try…

Info, we need info!

Try to find out: Where John Lasseter might be.
Try to find out: Where Brad Bird will be.

If anyone’s near, someone please go see them and ask them.
No chance any Pixarians are coming to New Mexico. Why would they? XD

Well, the last time I asked someone who works at Pixar about where the truck is, he says that it probably is in there. He told me he was about55% sure, but he doesn’t remember where.

If anybody reading this ever meets one of the Brain Trust, they have to ask them if the Pizza Planet truck is in The Incredibles, and whereabouts it is, and let us know what their response is. Worth a try.

A113 - I have a feeling that even if John Lasseter or Brad Bird told you personally that the truck is in there, you still wouldn’t believe them. ;-p

rachel- I always get the feeling that if a member of the Brain Trust were asked if the Pizza Planet Truck is in the Incredibles, they might say ‘yes’ but may not actually say where it is, just to be annoying. It just seems like a very Pixar thing for them to do. :laughing:

Rachel: LOL! Well, if they do, and i ask, “Are you sure?” and they don’t laugh at me, then i’ll be convinced. XD Maybe. I know that if they do say that, i’ll move from 100% positive that it’s not in there to somewhere around 45%. :laughing:

But currently, it’s still at 100%, but i’ll look for ya guys. :wink: Nomanisan, here i come!


That’s how long it’s been: 4 years and 113 days. Still looking.

EDIT: Sorry, it’s actually been 3 years and 301 days. :blush: I just love A113.

Well, my mom, sister, and I spent an evening looking for the PIzza Planet truck in the “highway” and “final Omnidroid battle” sequences in The Incredibles. We went frame by frame, keeping our eyes as peeled as possible, until I finally spotted this:

Now, I don’t think that this is it, but it kinda looks like the Pizza Planet Truck. It only appears for a split second, during the moment where Bob, Helen, Violet, and Dash are turmbling through the streets of Metropolis in a van, but, looking at it closely, it appears that there may be a rocket-type item situated on the top of this car, if it even is a car. While going frame-by-frame during this particular moment, I noticed that this “car” in the backround continued to move/drive to the left the entire time, so this futher provides possible evidence that it’s a type of car or truck on the highway in the background.

I’m going to continue searching for this dang truck throughout every scene in The Incredibles until I find it, if I even locate it at all. It’s gotta be in there somewhere…!

During the night I met Brad Bird at the Santa Barbara Film Festival, I remember thinking to myself (after I left the festival), “Dang it, I should have asked him where the Pizza Planet Truck is in The Incredibles!” or something along those lines. :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

Well, that’s… impossible to tell. Maybe when the Blu-Ray of The Incredibles gets released, we’ll know if it’s here, but so far, to little to confirm it’s our beloved truck.

That’s the first thing I’d ask if I ever meet him ! No introduction, no politeness ! We’re talking about the Pizza Planet truck here ! This is serious !


Mitch - To me that looks like a white stripe, which is frustrating when you are trying to find the PPT in The Incredibles because you try to zoom in, but then then it gets blurry… Pixar really needs to release this on Blu-Ray. So, basically, I don’t think that’s the Pizza Planet truck, sorry! Thanks for taking the time to look for it, though.

That reminds me, I really need to schedule some time to look for this thing… Maybe you (Mitch), TSS and I (and anyone else) could commit to going through the movie in certain blocks looking for it very closely. Then it won’t be such a daunting task.

Archibald and Rachel - Yeah, you guys are probably right. That object in the background is quite diminutive… and too blurry to qualify for confirmation. If The Incredibles does become availabe for purchase on Blu-Ray, though, then we should definitely scan it for any trace of that elusive truck.

Ha-ha! :mrgreen:

Hey, that’s an idea. Perhaps one of us could send TheStarSwordsman a private message on the matter, see what he thinks of it, and then, if possible, we can sort out what individual scenes to look in.

– Mitch

Mitch: I saw the screencap where you thought the PP truck would be. I have to say that I do not see the truck. It doesn’t look like it at all. I think the rocket you thought you saw probably is just the top of a lamppost.

The Star Swordsman - Dude, a lamp post! I never thought of that. Oh well. I thought that I would share the screen cap with you guys anyway, just to get your opinions on the matter. :wink:

– Mitch

Plus, if it was the Pizza Planet there would probably be a yellow spot under the gray dot.

Well, if people wanted to put dibs on a certain chunk of the movie to painstakingly (ugh!) go through it to look for the PP truck, I’ll do the part from the very beginning of the film until the end of the newspaper scene (just before the stamp in Mr. Incredible’s cubicle.) Hopefully I’ll find time to do it within a month or so…