Can someone give me a list on the different “rankings” on how many posts you make, also how many you need to get to that “rank”? (just a little curious)
[spoil]Newbie 0-9
Ant 10-49
Shark Bait 50-99
Mutant Toy 100-249
Garbage Boy 250-499
Toy Collector 500-999
AXIOM Crewmember 1000-1999
Master Scarer 2000-4999
Piston Cup Champion 5000-9999
Super Hero 10000 and up[/spoil]
EDIT: I fixed the list adding Garbage Boy.
Pardon the move, but I feel this is a better place for this thread. And forgive the spoilers because I know there are a couple of members here who would like to be surprised.
So here are the rankings, as pixarfan9099 posted.
I have a question kind of related to this topic! How many “Superheros” are there on Pixar Planet?
I think you might be missing one or two rankings though there (I’m a garbage boy).
Wow. Just 2? I would have thought at least 4 or 5. But yeah, the rankings are awesome. I think they’re a lot of fun, personally.
You’re right, it is missing…
Why is AXIOM Crewmember on the higher lists? I mean, they were fat and so depended on the robots, i don’t see how they could be SOOO High! (I’d probably rank them above garbage boy but below toy collector)
Because it sounds cool.
Imagine myself, weighing 700 pounds, sitting in a hoverchair, playing COD?
Nah, my fast metabolism could kill that in NO time.
Perhaps we should add a rank that is Up-related? I don’t know who has privileges to do that, though, and how to go about doing it.
^That’d be cool.
What would we call the new rank?
There’s a rank called Wilderness Explorer.
wilderness explorer is Up-related, just like K9girl said. But a ratatouille one, that’s what we need! (rat cook, or chef!)
Other ranks i’d suggest:
Rat Cook or Chef,
Axiom Captain
Concrete Plasterer
Garbage Boy is Ratatouille related.
How many posts do you need to be a Wilderness Explorer?
I really want that top Super Hero rank so bad it’s killing me! Can’t tell if I want it because it’s top, or Incredible, though. I miss my Toy Collector ranking. It was TS related, and suited my personality way better.
Usually, if you’re a mod, or work as an admin for PP, you have the option to customize your rank title. Otherwise, you’re stuck with the ones we’ve provided for you.
The more new the movies come out, the different ranks PP will add. However, I think the rank Super Hero will be the top rank for a long time.
You can’t get more awesome than a superhero, so it makes sense that it’s on top!