
lizardgirl - Well, that link takes me to replying to this thread… but thanks to you, I’ve found it on eBay. The style of the characters are so cute, I can’t wait to own this short film book. Thank you! =)

Rachel- Haha, must’ve copied and pasted the wrong URL! :laughing: Well, pleased you’re going to get it. It’d be great if you could let us know what it’s like, because I’m thinking of getting it myself but just want to make sure it’s worth the (small amount of) money. :smiley:

Hahaha! The short is hilarious! Alec is great.
But I can’t understand, why did Pixarians decide to show this short before Wall-e? Kind of ‘Okay, guys, enough to giggle! Now prepare for the masterpiece!’?

Actine- It seems that Pixar like to contrast their short films with their feature films. I think it’s quite an interesting technique, because I guess most people who go to see Pixar’s films don’t always realise that there will be a short film beforehand, and even if they do, they might expect it to be in the same vein as the feature. With the short film being entirely different, it’s like an added bonus that gets the audience warmed up.

yeah, kinda like those people that go out before the ellen degeneres and oprah shows to get the crowd “warmed up”

I first saw “Presto!” when i went to the theatre to see Wall-E. It was hilarious! I always mean to buy the Pixar short film DVD when im up at Target or Walmart.

This is my favorite short! The rabbit (what ever his name is) is so soooo cute! I love his smile when he looks at the carrot! He is the cutest bunny ever! I want him! I wonder if they sell Presto toys…

“Alec Azam” is the rabbit. (I love that - and I don’t think we know his name until we see the poster at the end.) This is probably my 2nd favorite of the theatrical shorts after “One Man Band,” - they just did such a good job of capturing that old slapstick cartoon style.

Oh, and trivia that may have been mentioned elsewhere: I think it’s on the Up commentary that they mention that the theatre/stage from Presto is used in Up as the stage where Charles Muntz reveals the “Monster of Paradise Falls” in the opening newsreel.

Wow, I didn’t know that! Thanks karly05! This is probably my favorite Pixar short, tied with Lifted. I think they’re the two funniest ones so far (I haven’t sen Night and Day yet).

I really like this short film. Really has that classic cartoon slapstick humor. It should have won the Oscar it was nominated for.

I really wanted this one to win the Oscar! It’s humor and animation reminded me of a Bob Clampett or Tex Avery Looney Tune cartoon in the 1940s, it is hilarious!

Easily Pixar’s best short film in my eyes ^^

I still rate it kinda low but I still love it.

I love Presto. It’s the first Pixar short that I ever really loved, it’s just brilliant, it really is amazing. It’s not my favourite pixar short but it’s definitely in the in the top 3 :smiley: x

^It is.

This one definitely had more of a WB/MGM homage with the snappy pose-to-pose animation.

Yes, exactly why it’s one of my favorite Pixar shorts. I felt like I was watching a more modern Chuck Jones cartoon.

I love this short. It’s very funny when the Rabbit bites the Magician. :laugh: The Rabbit taught him a lesson. Anyway, it is another brilliant short from Pixar.

I think this was one of my favorite Pixar short films along with Gerri’s Game and For the Birds.