Hey, guys! It’s me, Violet again (in character this time)! And I’d like to introduce you to my first completed/“published” fanfic! A while ago, me and my friend TSS started an in-character Q&A, with me as Violet, and him as a fanboy with some interesting questions. Well, this simple interview has taken on a mind of it’s own. Now, I’m posting it up here as an “interactive” fanfic!
What I mean by “interactive” is, I wanna get readers involved! If you wish, you may submit questions of your own, and I’ll answer them as Violet. The only rules are:
(1.) Nothing inappropriate or that would violate the general rules of Pixar planet.
(2.) Nothing overly personal (just use your own judgment).
(3.) Keep general etiquette. Try to make sure what you’re asking hasn’t already been posted. And please keep it relevant to the character.
(4.) Have fun ! This is no competition or contest. There are no prizes involved.
(5.) Please submit any questions you may have for Violet directly into this thread. Do not PM them to me, please.
Disclaimer: I do not own The Incredibles, or any of the affiliated characters. They belong to Disney/Pixar/Brad Bird. This fanfiction is sheerly for fun and fandom. If Pixar (or anyone else) wishes to use anything I’ve included in my fanfiction(s), they’re welcome to after asking for and receiving my permission to do so. The questions are curtsy of the askers. You will be given credit (your [user] name or nickname before your question).
(Note: Thanks to Haunt, TSS, and Mark Waid of Boom Studios for the ideas regarding Violet’s force field.)
Now, with that in mind, let’s get on with the interview ! The first set of questions are ones submitted by TSS(The Star Swordsman). Comments and constructive criticisms are also welcome! (Just make sure I can tell them apart from your questions, please
Q&A With Violet Incredible by Violet Parr (and the members who submitted their questions)
(Before the movie)
[i][b] TSS:[/b] I know your dad and brother Dash have blond hair. Your mother has brown auburn hair. How did you get your black hair color? Were you born with it or with another natural color?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] I’m surprised how many people ask me this. Actually, my hair is natural. My grandmother had Black hair, so that’s probably why I have it.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Speaking of your grandmother and grandfather, are they still alive? Do they live close by to your home in Metroville?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Both of my grandparents are still alive, on my mom and dad's side. My mom's parents live pretty close. Dad's parents live on the other side of the country, though.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] When did you first discover your invisibility? Force fields? What was it like? Did your parents place any restrictions on you?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, I was able to turn invisible since I was really little, like, I don’t know, maybe about nine months. But I only started being able to generate force fields when I was four. And that kind of happened by accident. I was at a playground with a friend, and a bully started picking on us. He pushed me, and at the time, I didn’t know what happened. I just knew I was really mad, and somehow, he ended up on the ground. My mom took me by the hand and we left. And when we got home she explained to me for the first time what my powers were. You think having “The Talk” with your parents was awkward? Try having just found out you’re a super hero and then having your mom tell you that you can’t use your powers. It was, disappointing, really. I thought it would be cool; I’d have my own “bully repellent.” But Mom tells me I have to act normal. At the time I was like “What? Are you crazy?!” Then my dad told me not to be ashamed of my powers and that they made me unique. I was confused. I mean, I was being told two different things: One was that I should love my powers and accept them as a part of me, and the other was to lay low and pretend I was normal. So, yeah, that screwed me up. But I took my mom’s advice to the extreme; I became introverted, shy, and above all I hated my powers. I thought I had to be “normal” or I’d never fit in anywhere. But that was my mistake. Sorry, I’m talking too much. In simpler terms, I discovered my powers fairly young, but grew up hating them. So, uh… yeah, that’s basically it.
[i] [b]TSS:[/b] Do you favor a certain power over the other? Like do you enjoy using your force fields more than your invisibility or vice versa?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, not really. No. I mean, there's good and bad things about both of them, so, no I don't really have a favorite. I can use them both equally well in the field and... I can pull pretty good pranks on my brother with both of them so... ha ha ha… yeah.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] You moved around a lot. Did you have to move out of state? What were some good and bad experiences about moving?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, we never had to move out of state, but we did move all over to different cities. We moved a total of about eight times, so, it was hard to get settled anywhere. Like, as soon as I would start to think we’d finally be stopped, like we weren’t gonna move anymore, something would happen and our cover would be blown and we’d have to move all over again. So, I have a hard time getting comfortable anywhere, ‘cause all I could think was that, you know, we have to move again. I didn’t feel like I had any control, because… I – how do I say this? – I… I couldn’t even remember where the light switches were. You know, it was those small things that everyone should know; everyone should have the comfort of knowing. I didn’t. Then I’d – I’d never have the chance to make a lot of friends, ‘cause we moved so much. So I wasn’t use to communicating with people. I had a lot of trouble talking to people, and that didn’t help. So, it was negative in a lot of ways. I can’t really think of anything good that came out of it, because… it wasn’t a pleasant experience. The only thing I remember that I enjoyed was driving in the moving truck with my grandfather. He used to be a trucker, so that was kinda fun. But other than that, it was, um… it was a really bad experience, and I wouldn’t want to go through it again. Ya know what? I’m a liar. There was one good thing that came out of it: it made me stronger. I mean, I’m sure God had a purpose in mind, I just didn’t see it. But, um… to this day my heart skips a beat every time I smell those permanent markers. You know, the ones you use for marking boxes?
[i][b]TSS:[/b] I know you didn't get a chance to make a lot of friends because you moved around so much, but your family settled in a nice home three years since your last move. Who was your best friend while you attended Western View Junior High?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well... I don’t really like to put one friend above the others ‘cause I know how that feels. So I mean no offence to my other friends. But my best friend is Grace Connor from my school. I've actually known her my whole life, so I knew her even before I went to my current school. And she's a super, as well, so... I can confide in her. You know, tell her things I can't tell any of my other friends. So, she's really cool. We know each other because our parents used to work together. Her Mom's a super, too, so... they introduced us when we were little, and... we really hit it off, so, yeah. That's how we know each other.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Is Kari one of your friends? If yes, tell me about her. I assume it was your idea to call her to watch your baby brother.[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Yes, Kari is a good friend of mine. A little ditsy sometimes, but she respects me. And that's more than I can say for most of the people at school. She's really, really sweet. I mean, you can't get a word in edgewise with her, but she's a great friend. We.... had a little bit of a rough patch after the babysitting incident.... But we're OK now. So, uh... yeah. Not much else to say. She's a great girl and, well you'll never be without a good conversation with her.
And uh, yeah. It was my idea to have her baby-sit Jack-Jack.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] By the way, whose idea was it to stow away on the plane? You or Dash?[/i]
[b] Violet:[/b] Uh... well, that's -- there's a long story behind that. But, um... it was really both our ideas, really. He was curious about what Mom was doing, and I might've said something. And apparently I said the wrong thing, so.... It was both our ideas.
(About her)
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Are you religious? Do you have a higher power you believe in?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Um, well… I’m sorry. You kinda caught me off guard. Yes, I am. I mean, I was raised in a Christian family, so I was brought up as a Christian. But, we believe in Faith more than religion. For us, Christianity’s pretty simple: you get saved by asking God as your savior. And I believe what the Bible says. But I have no problem with people who believe differently.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Aside from your friends at school, do you have any Super Hero friends?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Yes, yes actually I do. Not many, but I do know a few other supers my age. As I said before, my best friend’s a super, and I know a few others that train at the NSA.
TSS: List your favorites
-Place to hang out
-Subject in school
[b] Violet:[/b] Oh, wow, that’s hard. OK, well, here it is…
-Movie: Casablanca
-Book: the Bible, The Tail of Two City’s, most of Shakespeare’s stuff
-Food: Chocolate, ice cream
-Place to hang out: The park behind my school
-Subject in school: History/ Social Studies
-Hobby: Listening to music/ reading fashion magazines (Not that I’m really into fashion, I just read for the heck of it.)
-Music: Soft Rock, Alterative, Pop
-Sport: Martial Arts (Taekwondo, Karate, and Judo)
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Being a fanboy, I have done a lot of research on you. I created somewhat of a profile for you, minus a biography and miscellaneous facts. Do you think that this is accurate? Please provide feedback.
Name: Violet Parr
Aliases: Invisigirl, Incredigirl, Invision, Shieldoette, Queen of the Unseen, Miss. Disappear
Super Powers: Invisibility, Force Fields
Arsenal/Equipment: None
Strengths: intelligent, somewhat agile, stealth, and a skilled fighter, incredible defense and strong willed
Weakness: Lack of offensive force in super powers, young, little physical attributes (i.e.: strength and speed)
Aggression: 2-3: normally called for protection or for a sneaky retrieval and not often for fights. Usually would rather solve a situation with mind than force. Even when called to combat a bad guy, she stays fairly conservative. When she sees an open target, then she goes all out.
Intelligence: 7-9: Not a super genius, but she is quite knowledgeable in a lot of subjects. With her non-aggressive fighting style, she tends to outwit her opponents fairly well. In addition, she is a good student and makes good and responsible decisions. She has to due to the fact that she gets put in charge of her siblings a lot.
Speed: 3-4: Does not have super speed like her brother, but she isn’t turtle slow. She can run pretty fast but not for a long time.
Strength: 2: Does not possess super human physical strength like her father.
Attack: 3-4: Her powers are normally used for defensive purposes, but a surprise attack while in her invisible state catches any opponent at their weakest point: when they don’t expect it. Force fields can hurt if someone rams into them . . . or if she rams into someone with her field in front of her. Working on throwing force fields (as seen in the Boom comics) doesn’t inflict physical pain, but knocks opposition off their feet and away from her. Aside from that, she is reliable, solid, and sometimes incredible in combat, and shows potential to get better.
Defense: 10: Force fields seem to be able to parry everything and anything from bullets to falling debris. Force fields can take a beating and still be sustained; depending on the amount of energy she has in her. Invisibility provides the perfect defense because bad guys can’t find her, making her a near impossible target to hit.
Agility: 5-7: Not a gymnast so that is why she isn’t rated higher than a 7, but not freaky flexible and agile like her mother. But she is quick on her feet and fast to react. I mean, dodging all of the Omnidroid arm strikes while retrieving the remote is not an easy feat.
Jump/flight: 2: can jump and that’s about it. She can float in her force field, but that’s as high as she goes.
Durability/resilience: 8-10: when she gets knocked out, knocked down, or knocked hard, you always see her rushing back in. She’s got the hardest fighting spirit in her.[/i]
Violet: Wow! You must’ve really done your research. I can’t find anything wrong with it. I think you actually did this very well. I’m flattered actually. It’s really an honor to know that someone really likes me this much! I didn’t think I was this popular, that someone would take the time to do this. Really, I think you did great, I can’t find anything wrong with it. I mean, would you like me to be more specific? Or… this is really good!
(After the movie)
[i][b]TSS:[/b] How are things going with you and Tony? Are you two still together? Have you two gone through something that nearly ended your relationship?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] We’re doing good. We’re still going out together. We’ve definitely gotten closer. We did go through one rough patch, because... you know, I had to keep skipping out on him for missions. I felt really bad about it, because he’d been patient for so long. And I wanted to spend more time with him. But, unfortunately, my job got in the way sometimes, and it just got old. He started to think that I wasn’t serious. But, now he knows. He knows I’m a super hero; and he understands. Now we don’t have any trouble and we’re doing very well, since I told him the truth. So, yeah, we’re doing pretty good.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] I would think that possibly that [you] and [your] family would have to be relocated and/or Tony would have to have his memory erased. What happened about that? Did the NSA decided to let this one slide for a special reason? Just curious...[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, actually, it was because I told him. There are some cases where it's acceptable for certain people outside your family to know you're a super, such as a family doctor, some friends, psychiatrists, and boyfriends. First off, *whispers with hand partially covering mouth* the NSA doesn't always need to know *giggling, removes hand and talks normally*. And if they do find out, all we have to do is tell them we wanted them to know.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] What do you like about crime fighting? What do you dislike? What was the most dangerous Super Villain you’ve ever faced? Have you been called to go solo instead of tagging along with your family?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, I think the best thing about crime fighting is just how rewarding it is, and being able to help people. It’s a wonderful feeling, just… saving lives. Granted, I never thought I’d be doing anything like this in my life. I thought I was I was weak, and that I wouldn’t ever amount to anything… let alone something so important. So, I guess it’s also therapeutic for me, as it makes me feel so much better about myself, and lets me know that I have a purpose. And, it also lets me get out a lot of anger that I have no other way of venting. So, I’m helping other people and at the same time, I’m kind of helping myself. But I think the best thing, the most rewarding thing, are those few moments when people show you true gratitude. That just feels so awesome. Like, one time, when we were at the scene of a burning building, I was able to save a little girl who was inside. And once I took her out to her parents, just… the looks on their faces, it was like they just got all their hope back. I can’t even explain it. Then after wards, I was being treated for smoke inhalation, and this little girl comes over to me with the biggest smile on her face, and just wraps her arms around me and gives a huge hug. And, that’s – that’s the stuff that keeps you going. One of the most wonderful feelings in the world, and… knowing that you’re doing what God wants you to do. It’s just great! Also, getting to travel around the world for some missions ain’t bad either …*winks*
What I dislike – well, let me tell ya, it’s like my Dad always says: “You gotta be in it for the right reasons,” or… you’re gonna fall flat on your face and wanna give up, because, it’s rough. You—you go through a lot of physical and mental torture, from media, regular people, and the bad guys. I’m mean, that can screw with your head! There’s a lot of crap that super heroes take, so you gotta be ready to get your feelings hurt. And, it’s challenging physically, because I can be up all hours of the night for an emergency and then come home and still have to deal with home work. And you have to be in top physical shape, and if you get hurt or sick on the field… you gotta suck it up until it’s over. And, it does take a lot of time out of my personal life. I think that’s the hardest thing for me. I often have to give up time with friends, time with Tony, for hero work. And, sometimes, I haves trouble with my schoolwork because I’m so exhausted. So it is challenging. But, like I said, if you’re in it for the right reasons, it’s very rewarding.
As for the most dangerous super villain I’ve ever faced, that depends on what your definition of a “villain” is, and what you consider to be more evil. Most people’s idea of a villain is someone who goes around attacking people with giant laser guns demanding money and wanting to take over the world. But the sad thing is, they’re not the worst of the worst. I’ve seen the worst kind of criminals, and they don’t carry weapons of mass destruction or brag about world domination. The worst criminals… are the ones that walk the street every day, without our knowledge— the ones who hurt people emotionally. And the badest among them are the ones who prey on children. And the very worst… the very worst have no remorse for hurting anyone. I’ve see more than enough of that in my job.
But, I think the single most dangerous villain I’ve ever faced, was probably a case we took on a while ago. Some sociopath with no mercy— he attached girls—girls like me, young girls, who hadn’t done anything wrong. We were able to save his last victim before he did away with her like he did with the others. But that was one of the cases where you think, Did you really do her a favor by letting her live? I mean, it sounds horrible, but… *sigh* I don’t know what I would’ve done if I was that girl. Being tortured and attacked like that, it’s not something you ever forget. When we were tailing him, I caught up with him when he was about to kill her. When I fought him, he tried to attack me, too. He would’ve probably beaten me and killed me, and worse, if my dad hadn’t shown up. So I’ve seen plenty of evil in my life. Just…
……sighs I’m sorry. It’s just… bad memories, that’s all.
Now, if you were to ask me what villain caused the most threat, like on a worldwide scale, that would have to be Utopior. I actually gotta hand it to that guy; he knew what he was doing. He didn’t fall for the monologue trap and that kind of stuff. He was smart as heck, and had the brawn to match. But, oddly enough, he wasn’t revenge driven. He actually had this crazy utopian idea of a perfect world where there was no hate or war. Of course, it would’ve been impossible. But he had been raised by his parents to lead a “perfect” society. He just got out of hand. Plus, his parents were both political figures, so they had money coming out of their ears. So he had all the money he needed coming in from Mommy and Daddy to build and buy whatever he needed. It was actually kind of sad. He actually did have good intentions, and he was trying to make his parents proud. He just took it too far.
Actually, yes, I have been called a few times to go out on my own, but mostly for small missions like robberies and muggings. My parents think I’m still a little young and inexperienced to go out on my own for more serious missions. I kind of understand this, though. I think I’d get freaked out if I was sent out to fight somebody like Syndrome or Utopior or Baron Von Ruthless by myself.
[i] [b]TSS:[/b] What was your most memorable mission? What was the most dangerous mission you and/or your family was called to do?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, That’s really hard. I have a lot of memorable missions. But, if I had to pick just one, I think it would be the fight with Syndrome. That was a real turning point of me, as you know. I really learned a lot that day. It helped me get the confidence I needed but never had. And I got a lot closer to my family through that. So, yeah, it’d defiantly be the fight with Syndrome. Though I did go on a lot of other missions that were memorable and that I learned a lot from and that were a lot of fun.
And the most dangerous… hm, I’d be tempted to say the battle with Utopior, but he didn’t really fight fist-for-fist unless he had to. I’d say the most dangerous mission we’ve ever been on was a natural disaster, a volcano in South America that irrupted. The worst part was, it wasn’t just one volcano; it was a lava chain that stretched almost two miles wide. And it exploded repeatedly. Ash was everywhere, so thick sometimes, that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. And it caused earthquakes up to 7.9 on the Richter scale. There were cracks in the ground that cars were getting lost in. It was terrible, especially for the people living near there. People were losing their homes, belongings, family, and their lives. We all came close to dying a couple times. We were there along with many other supers from around the world as well as the local police and fire squad and missionaries sent in from around the world. Though a lot of tragedy came from the explosion, it was incredible to see how everyone was banding together to help each other. Some of the stuff we saw— children who’d lost their families being welcomed with open arms, accident victims recovering happily, crowded churches— it was amazing. It’s sad people can’t cooperate like that without having to face death.
[i] [b]TSS: [/b]Are you a skilled fighter? Do you think at the pace you are growing, learning and maturing, will you become a skilled combater like your parents?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, heh, I don’t think I’d be the best person to ask that. I’m kind of my own worst critic. I guess I am a little, but nothing like my parents. I’m better on the defense than offence, though I would like to get a piece of the action every once-in-a-while. I think I might get better when I grow up, but I don’t think I’ll be as good as Mom or Dad. But I am improving slowly; I just need a lot of practice. Hopefully, by the time I’m an adult, I’ll be ready to go off on my own completely.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] How has your powers grown since the Syndrome incident? Have you discovered anything new with your powers?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Oh, yeah. I’ve found a lot of uses for my powers that… I never even thought to use, especially with my force fields. Before I could only use my force fields for defensive purposes. And, now, I can, like, almost turn them into weapons. I can easily knock people over with them, but, you know I could already do that. But I’ve learned how to use that, but in a more deliberate way. I can also blow things up, in a sense, with them, and crush things. I was always able to lift things with them, and now, I can lift really heavy things, like things I wouldn’t be able to pick up myself. And I’m learning how to shape them, into spears or bats or other things I could use to hurt somebody. And, some of the guys down at the NSA training lab are trying to convince me that I could fly using my force field, but, eh…. I ain’t holding my breath.
As for my invisibility, I’ve learned I can turn other objects invisible, other than myself. So, when I found that out, I was like, “Cool, man!” ‘cause, that’s something I could use a lot on the field. But, the only problem is I have to really be concentrating, or I lose it. But, yeah, working on that…
[i][b]TSS:[/b] This might be inappropriate, but when I first saw you in The Incredibles, the movie about your family, I have had a super crush on you when I first saw your character (weeks before the film was released) So if you aren’t doing anything after this interview, want get some lunch? Just kidding. But I’m sure that you get a lot of fan boys. What’s It like being a famous, young Super Hero?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] *Giggles and blushes* Well, uh… Well, first off, I’m honored! And I don’t think that’s inappropriate. Not at all. I think you’re cute. And… actually, if it were just as friends, I wouldn’t mind going to lunch sometime. I’m glad you like me so much. Thank you. *blushes again*
Anyway, to answer your question, like I said before, it’s not easy. But, it’s defiantly rewarding. It’s funny, because, I’ll be somewhere in my super suit, whether I’m patrolling, or at some place for publicity, or whatever, and these little kids will come up and be screaming at their parents, “Look! It’s Invisigirl!” And half the time, I don’t know what the heck to do! I’m not really a social butterfly, as you probably already know, but, whenever I get out there in my super suit, and I see people cheering for us, it just fills me with such enthusiasm. Normally, you can’t get me to pose for the camera to save me life! But, for some reason, when it’s in that setting, and my family’s right there, it just feels so natural. And, I guess I don’t have to fake a smile because… I’m really happy. It feels good to make somebody’s day. And, honestly, I don’t get a lot of teenagers or adults who are big fans of us, so it’s extra special to see them come up being enthusiastic about it. Like you, I love that. As much as I love the little kids, it’s so nice to see an adult admire us. So, I really think being a super has helped bring out a more confident side of me. So, yeah, even with all its difficulties, it’s such an awesome job!
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Have you ever been to Disneyland and seen your family as costumed characters or in a parade?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Yep, we have. I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty impressed with the job they did on our parents’ costumes. They look just like them! I mean, with some oblivious mechanical differences (I mean, their heads ain’t that big and they aren’t that tall.). Kinda wondering why me and Dash ain’t there, though… Oh well.
Actually… there’s kind of a funny story about one time we went… Would you like me to tell you?
TSS: Please do. What happened at Disneyland? Tell me the story!
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, one really funny and almost bad thing that happened when we went the one time— we were at Disney Land and we were going to see the costumed versions of Mom and Dad. We were waiting in line, and there was this one boy in front of us— he couldn’t have been more than eight— who just kept staring at us. He went up to get his pictures taken and he still kept looking back at us! Finally, after we’d gone up, met with “The Incredibles,” took pictures and got autographs, we started walking away. We passed the boy while he was talking to his parents, and I heard him say, “Mommy, I don’t think they’re the real Incredibles.”
She asked, “Why is that, Honey?”
He said, “Because I think they’re the real ones.” And he pointed right at us! Oh my gosh! I felt like I swallowed my heart! Thank God his mom didn’t believe him, or we would ‘a been toast!
Yeah, just a funny story I like to tell…
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Is Syndrome still alive?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Actually, nobody really knows. I mean, from what we saw, he was sucked into a jet engine. But, it was weird, because after the crash, we went through there looking for our stuff, to see if anything survived, and we didn’t find any sign of him. No body, on parts or flesh, not even blood. He could’ve been burned so badly, we couldn’t recognize him. But even the cops that cleaned it up said they didn’t find anything. And, to me, no body equals no for sure death. So, truthfully, I don’t know…
(Summer Related)
[i][b]TSS:[/b] I'm sure you went to many vacations spots as a family. What was your favorite place to go to? How long were you there? What did you do there? Was it uninterrupted (as in you didn't have to bust out your super suit to save the day)?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Well, that’s tough. But I think my favorite place we’ve ever gone on vacation was… Disney! We went to Disneyland California as a gift from Pixar during the release of the movie. We were there for about a week and a half. Really, they mostly wanted us there to promote the movie, but we were treated like royalty while we were there. We got to go behind the scenes at Pixar, meet the writers and artists and other people, and they let us mess around in the studio a little. I got to draw behind a real artist’s desk. We played around in the sound studio. And we bowled-- in the atrium! They were just great! I gotta say, those guys are some of the least up-tight people I’ve ever met.
Then we got to go to the Disney park. I mean, we’d been there before, we don’t live that far from there. But we’d never gone like this. We got the celebrity treatment. Room service, backstage tickets, the whole nine yards. I mean, we got pampered! And we stayed in the nicest hotel there. And, I gotta admit…. I liked it. *giggles* We went on all the rides while we were there. But most of the time we were just the Parr family, we weren’t “The Incredibles.” We really were only in our suits and everything when we were in the parade and when we were taking pictures and signing autographs. What was funny, though, were the few times we were in our suits and just walking around, like right before we’d go somewhere. And where we were staying, it was mostly adults, so it’s not like with the kids, where it‘s like “Cool, man!”. You know, these people just stared. And a lot of ‘em were all stuffy and snooty, so me and Dash would purposefully start causing some kind of trouble just to see if we could get them to laugh. (Though he did it more than me.) But, to some up one uncomfortable experience… we got away with it a Pixar, not there. *clears throat* Yeah…
And, uh, thankfully, no, we didn‘t have to save the day or anything. Whenever we were in our suits, it was just for fun. No super villains, Thank God!
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Are you more of an indoor person or an outdoor person? Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather? If given the opportunity, when your parents go out, would you rather baby-sit your two brothers, or hire Kari and hang out with your friends?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Hm, well, for your first question, it depends on what mood I’m in. I’m not much of a sports person or anything. Honestly, I‘m not really good at them, so if I am outdoors, it’s usually just hanging out with friends or family. And it also depends on if I’m tired on not. So, if I was, like, out on a mission the night before or earlier that day, no, I won’t wanna go outside. But if I got my rest, and I’m in the mood, then, yeah, I like to be outside.
And I’m more of a warm weather person. I love the cold, but only if its raining or snowing so I can enjoy it. I like the rain for some reason. But I don’t really like extremes of hot or cold.
Now, as for would I rather watch my brothers or dump ‘em on Kari and go out with friends… again, depends on what mood I’m in… He he…. Usually, I’d stay with them, cause I know that’s better, and it’s kind of hard for others to handle them. Plus it gives us time together, which, despite our disagreements, is nice. Now, if I’ve been stuck in the house with them for days, then, yeah, I’d be calling in some relief. But I don’t know if I’d torture Kari again after what happened last time…
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Beach, pool, or water park? Shopping at the mall or picnic outdoors? Movies or stage theatre?[/i]
[b]Violet: [/b]As long as it’s not crowded, the beach. I like getting to actually smell the ocean and pick up shells. Between walking at the mall and a picnic, depends on who I’m with. If it were my friends or just me and mom, I’d go to the mall. If it were family or just me and Tony, I’d go for the picnic. And movies, defiantly. I like theater, but I prefer movies.
[i][b]TSS:[/b] Do you like to swim? Or does your younger brother like to swim more? Have you had a near drowning experience while on a mission? How long can you hold your breath underwater?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Oh, yeah, I love swimming. Dash does like to swim, but given the chance, he’d rather run.
I did almost drown on missions… a couple times. I remember one time when I fell through ice and couldn’t get back up to breathe. That-- that was one for the scariest experiences of my life! My mom had to stretch herself down just to get me. And, another time, I was chasing these bad guys, and I got caught and one of them held me face-down in a filled tub. I… almost died. And, let me tell you, I’ve had a lot of things done to me on missions, and drowning is one of the worst feelings in the world. It took me a while to get back to normal after that…
I can hold my breath for… hm, about a minute or so. I think the longest I ever went was one minute and seventeen seconds, but I came up dizzy. Probably not the smartest thing I ever did…
[i][b]TSS:[/b] When you grow up, after college, what do you plan do be when you grow up? Is there a job you would really want to have?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] I-- I really don’t know! I think I wanna do something to help people, though. Ever since I got involved with Hero work, it’s just become a passion of mine. I think I might want to do something like therapy or something. Like, be a psychiatrist. I might even go for a doctorate, but we’ll see how much I like school by then *rolls eyes*…
[i][b]TSS: [/b]I know your brother loves to play sports. What is his favorite sport? Do you compete in any sports or activities?[/i]
[b]Violet:[/b] Oh, he likes anything where he can run. But his favorite is track. He really enjoys that. And I’m happy for him that he’s doing it now…. Meanly because it keeps him out of my hair for at least a little while.
Now, me? Not really. I do martial arts at the NSA for training, and my mom teaches me Taekwondo for self-defense, but that’s about it. I do like it, though. I play games with my family, too. And sometimes me and my friends’ll play around, but I’m usually not very good. Yeah, I-- I’m more of a bookworm than a sportsman.