Ratatouille Fan Commentary

Ok. Cool. All we need now is thedriveintheatre’s preference for this Sunday (his time). Don’t forget, Andre, daylight savings finishes on that day, so 9am will really feel like 10am for you. :wink:

Hm, well I suppose we could just go with this time then…?

Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th April
California: Saturday 5:30pm
Arizona: Saturday 5:30pm
Sydney: Sunday 10:30am

Then if you can’t make it, we can do the one that’s 1.5 hours later. I guess I’ll talk to you guys then! :slight_smile:

EDIT: see later post.

Sorry for the late reply!

It’s okay, I really don’t mind the 9am my time commentary since the other two already agreed on it! :slight_smile:

So it’s this then:

Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th April
California: Saturday 4:00pm
Arizona: Saturday 4:00pm
Sydney: Sunday 9:00am

With this as backup I guess:

Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th April
California: Saturday 5:30pm
Arizona: Saturday 5:30pm
Sydney: Sunday 10:30am

I’m off to think of what to say for Radio Pixar’s Vox Pop.
Woah, this weekend’s really busy for on PPlanet! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, Andre. Thanks! :slight_smile:

So thedriveintheatre, The Star Swordsman and Lightning Eclipse we’ll meet at this time:

Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th April
California: Saturday 4:00pm
Arizona: Saturday 4:00pm
Sydney: Sunday 9:00am

Then if anything happens we’ll have those other times on the same day, it seems. Talk to you guys then. Have fun commetating on rat-pa-too-tie. =)

Group 2: Mitch and qxgnxamy -

It seems as if the only time I’ll be able to commentate at 9pm Los Angeles time later next week would be the following date:

Thursday 9th/Friday 10th April
Los Angeles: Thursday 9:00pm
New York: Friday 12:00 midnight

If that time isn’t suitable I may be able to do this time:

Friday 10th/Saturday 11th April
Los Angeles: Friday 9:00pm
New York: Saturday 12:00 midnight


Rachel - I don’t think I have to work at all on the ninth of April, so I would be able to do it then. If my family does go to bed earlier, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Thanks for the update! :slight_smile:

– Mitch

That went really great, guys. I enjoyed listening to the first Ratatouille commentary. Your comments had me laughing while recording. It should be up here within the next day or so and I’ll give a full review sometime in the future. =)

Awesome! Glad you had a blast listening in on us! Thanks for recording and (I assume?) editing. Same goes for Peter for leading LE through the synch instructions and intro.
This is one of the more fun ones I’ve had, thanks for responding to my corny ‘witticisms’ and ‘bouncing ideas’ off me, TSS and LE!
Good luck with next week’s commentary, Peter, Rachel and Mitch!

Thanks Andre. Yeah, that first Ratatouille commentary seems like it would have been fun to be in. Well, Peter’s the one that does the editing. He’s a whizz at that, so thanks Peter for doing that, and for being a back-up recordist. =)

Ok. Salutes Thanks Peter. You da man. Gawd, that was so cheesy.

You’re welcome! =) I won’t be able to finish part 1 before I go to sleep, though. I’ll just call it a day now and start again tomorrow.

No worries, Peter. Take your time. There’s no rush. :wink:

Glad you had fun listening to us, Rachel! XD And yeah, thanks for doing the recording and stuff, and I’d like to thank you and Peter for guiding me through how to do the synch instructions, I really appreciated it.

TSS and Andre- I had a really fun time chatting with you guys, and I think you both did great! ^^ Thanks for putting up with my awkwardness, too. XD Looking forward to listening to the complete commentary!

Here is my input. That was a really fun commentary to participate in. I had a lot of fun commenting on the film and I learned new things in the process.

Part 1 is finished. I’ll get to work on part 2.

Lightning Eclipse - You’re welcome. =)

Edit: Here’s part 2.

Much thanks, Peter! :smiley:

PAL versions are ready:

Group 1 PAL version part 1

Group 1 PAL version part 2

EDIT: fixed link to part 2

Thanks totoro! =)

I should be free on Saturday afternoon, so I should be available to commentate at that time if the first preference doesn’t work out on Friday

Nice work Peter and Mitch!

I enjoyed commentating with you both. There were a few quiet moments: whether that’s because it was late at night and you guys were tired or not enough research was done (on my part, too), I don’t know. But towards the end I loosened up a bit, so hopefully it will turn out ok. I always think that the commentary, or my performance more like, is worse than it actually is. I’m looking forward to listening to the whole thing, though. Once again, it was a pleasure commentating with you both - you’re cool people. =)

Here’s part 1 of the group 2 Ratatouille commentary.

Edit: Here’s part 2 of the group 2 Ratatouille commentary.