January 2, 2012, 10:06am
Okay. I know I’ve made two other threads for my art things (music and 3D stuff). Well this is where I’m putting EVERYTHING from now on.
There’s more music on my soundcloud account so go take a look
Also…I wrote this small animation script.
I’m making an animation out of it.
It’s pretty much a love story (which I am not accustom to writing).
IR3 Montage
(scene shows A132 having skin applied to her to make her appear human. Next scene shows A135 getting up from his container restraint [after having been through the same process]. Next scene shows a folder labeled as confidential being handed from one scientist to another.they talk a bit then leave.
Next scene shows a helicopter dropping A132 and A 135 at the same place near a forest near an old countryside town. They are to spend the day there. Scene shows them at a marketplace where A135 buys A132 a necklace. Scene quickly changes to show J.F. Robot spitting out his drink in an act of surprise.
Scene changes to them all in class. A132 is doodling A135’s name. Mr. Robot notices this and, astonishedly, writes some notes down. Next scene shows A132 and A135 at a restaurant on a date (?). Mr. Robot is taking note of this at a distant table.
A132 notices and Mr. Robot quickly puts a menu up to conceal his face from his daughter.
A132 and A135 head to another area of the town where he gets her a pretty rock.
Mr. Robot drops his notepad.
The two lovers go over to a small pond where they feed the fish. Mr. Robot spies on the two with binoculars at a bush across the pond.
The two go to a pair of signs that state “hiking trail” and “henderson city” A132 and A135 go take a car and go down the hiking trail route.
Scene then shows A mountainside road near a sea. The car they take goes down this road. Camera switches and shows the to having a great time then moves to show Mr. Robot behind not looking too happy. The next scene shows the sun setting. A132 is sitting in a tree. A135 climbs up sits next to her and hands her a flyer that says “Hoedown at 8 PM. dancing, food,”
A 132 smiles and gives a nod. The camera slowly pans back to show mr. Robot look back sadly.
The next scene shows a wooden cottage like building. Inside a whole bunch of people are square dancing, others clapping or slapping their knee. Scene shows Both A132 and A135 enjoying themselves.
Mr. Robot sidles in with a violin. Eventually a scene shows Mr. Robot playing the violin to the tune.
A132 and A135 stop to see him. Mr. Robot opens his eyes and gives A132 a wink. She continues to dance. Scene continues the dance till the end.
At the end, A132 and A135 go to kiss, camera switches to see Mr. Robot grimace as they do so.)
The end.
January 3, 2012, 8:27am
Made a Violin
And a town hall
I need to submit this scene (and another one) to the renderfarm though.
Oh wow, that violin is really good!
January 3, 2012, 10:09am
It’s better than the last one I made. That’s for sure.
Do you play the violin? My sister does. Not very well though
I love how good the shading and textures are. The skin on your people looks really good too. Keep it up, it’s cool
January 3, 2012, 11:32pm
Nope!! I kinda want to though. That and the viola
I actually play saxophone and piano (well…a little bit of piano anyways).
January 4, 2012, 6:49am
Okay here’s a road on a mountain over a lake (or ocean. Haven’t decided yet).
And here’s the work in progress of the town (note: I did not make the trees ).
January 5, 2012, 7:39am
Thank you!! I’m going to post one or two more here. So sit tight
January 5, 2012, 8:12am
Oh yeah
Based off of a Jaguar E-Type.
January 9, 2012, 7:06am
Hehe…I did this as a joke:
And of course here’s…er…A132 in a dress…that sadly makes her look too cute
What do you use to make the stuff? Because I want it. I love your work!
January 31, 2012, 7:58am
Blender, Makehuman, and a years worth of experimentation
The road pic reminds me of Point Reyes!
I like them all, but my favorite is the road with the car based off of a Jaguar E-Type (which is one of my favorite cars), really wonderful job.
February 27, 2012, 7:51pm
Haha!!! Ive no idea where Point Reyes is!!
Yeah the car was based off of an E-type. My dad was reconstructing a Jaguar XKE. So I consequentially got the idea from that.
That sounds pretty awesome^^!