Small Fry (TS Toon in front of The Muppets)

Just saw this and really enjoyed it (and the Muppets, freaking AWESOME!). There are a LOT of new toys introduced in this 7 minute short, many very funny. T-Bone still cracks me up. I think Disney’s gonna make a lot of money marketing these toys.

I thought it was a pretty cute little film. Nothing touching or anything, and it doesn’t hurt the original TS films themselves, but at the same time it’s a cute addition to fans of the characters. I mainly laughed at the silly toys in the short, such as the Dracula character. Ha!

Yes! They were all so great, I wish I had a list of them.

I saw the short twice and I thought it was awesome.
They should make all those fast food toys as real toys some of my favorites were DJ Blue Jay and Gary Grappling Hook.
Who ever saw the short who was your favorite of the Fast Food toys?
And how many were there?

My favorite is probably the boxing turtle. Dunno why, but walking-accidents-waiting-to-happen like him always make me laugh!

I haven’t seen it yet, but my little sister did and she said she loved it. I really want to see it!

I liked the History on Wheels toy and the Funky Monk.

Since it’s been kinda quiet, I thought I post a list of the toys that were in the short:
Queen Neptuna
Gary Grappling Hook
Lizard Wizard
DJ Blue-Jay
Roxy Boxy
Nervous Sys-Tim
Recycle Ben
Tae-Kwon Doe
Koala Kopter
Vlad The Engineer
Funky Monk
Super Pirate
Ghost Burger
Pizza Bot
Franklin The Eagle
Beef Stewardess
Bozu the Ninja Clown

That’s all I can remember, did I miss anyone?

The first time I saw it, it just seemed to really go really, really fast. It felt like if they had 2-3 more minutes, it could have been a bit easier to understand.

At the Cartoon Art Museum showing of it at PIXAR on Dec 10, I got the jokes a bit easier.

Angus MacLane did tell us that one of the pitches for Toy Story Toons that he really wanted to do, involved a therapy session with Zurg and the other Buzz from Toy Story 2, with a Barbie Doll as the therapist. Angus’ idea was that Zurg really wanted to reconnect with his son, but Buzz was having issues adapting, because he still wants to hang out with his friends, but his Dad keeps getting in the way. Though if I remember right, Lasseter didn’t really gel with that idea.

MacLane did tell us that he did work at a fast food restaurant that had a ballpit, and he was a bp supervisor one time. They supplied him with a uniform and a whistle, and he’d stand knee-deep in the ballpit as a supervisor of kids. Word was, that if any form of liquid got into that ballpit, they’d supply you with a brand-new uniform.

That other pitch sounds like a pretty funny & interesting idea.

I saw this tonight @ the theater. It was pretty cool! They made up so many funny Happy Meal type toys. :smiley:

I know! I want a lot of those toys.

I am going to see The Muppets this weekend with a friend, so I will finally get to see this, Yes!

I’ll probably pass on this one. Nothing really caught my attention from the clip or the commercials for it.

I saw The Muppets today, so I saw this. I loved this short, I actually think it’s better than Hawaiian Vacation, I definitely would recommend it.

Finally saw this today (well in Englsh at least!) It was amazing! i wish it was just a little longer,i think some of the characters could’ve had a better introduction. My favourite character was recycle ben.

After reading these opinions, I really want to watch this short! :slight_smile:
Sadly, I don’t think I’ll find company for The Muppets to see it - as far as I know, none of my friends are Muppet fans.

Yeah, I never caught it either since I didn’t watch The Muppets.

I hope we get to see this on home video soon.

I finally finally got to see Small Fry today! It came on Disney Channel after tonight’s movie. I absolutely adored it! I’m so glad to see my fave toys again! And it was so funny! I wish I’d seen it in theaters, but I’m one of maybe three or four people in my family who actually like The Muppets, and so I missed my opportunity then. My favorite rejects were probably Tae Kwon Doe and Funky Monk (if you look on the Toy Story Facebook page, you’ll find they made some bios for the characters, including Funky Monk, his is just hilarious… he’s from a nonexistent movie called Rappin’ Robin In The Hood 3D! :laughing: ). Anyway, I loved this short immensely! Can’t wait for it to get released!