Now i do remember these!
Then I began making logos from some classic movies, other than Pixar’s:
All the Pixar ones are my favorite. I had so much fun seeing how each one would turn out to be!
For the first time in days, I made a logo from something I actually like. Watchmen has always been our favorite graphic novel, so I’ll pay homage to it in our Bonding Day anniversary.
And I like this movie too, but it was a little hard for me to understand it in the movie.
Nowadays, I also make graphics about other stuff and not just movies. Here are some more.
And I remember those too. Good times.
The last batch:
Wow, I didn’t realize there were so many!
The sheer volume of your body of work in such a short amount of time astounds me!
So many of them…so little time!
I’m somewhat fast at it. What keeps me slow is my self imposed rule of just one change every 100 posts. But I make each one in about five minutes (some of them are even simpler)
Tonight, Smallville will finally end after 10 seasons, becoming the longest running science fiction TV show, according to the Guinness World Records.
Here’s the logo. For those who can’t read Kryptonian, what says in the bottom is, indeed, “of Adventure”
I wish I was as talented as you! I’m being traitorous here, but I love the Shrek one
I was gonna comment on your sig and avatar combo. It’s awesome!
I think you did one for ‘Dead Man’s Chest’? Can’t remember if you’ve done ‘Curse of the Black Pearl’ and the new ‘On Stranger Tides’.
Yes, I made the first two.
They should be a few pages ago.
The next one should be “On Stranger Threads”!
You guessed the title this time!