Spirit of Adventure's graphics

Seriously, if you keep this, I’ll be forced to have my signature back, and my protest will be over.

There’s nothing you can do about this. It’s over now.

Please, fall back and just keep me company here. Trust me :slight_smile:

So you are not going to be banned? :astonished:

They never said so. I was just afraid they would do it because of my protest. But there was never any threat! This was just a misunderstanding.

[size=150]Nobody is “the bad guys” in this situation. There was just a disagreement. Let’s get the forum back to normal.[/size]


Did we seriously have a 10 minute revolution?

Yes. Yes we did. Now, Lance, for your safety, you have a choice. You can either use a signature, or use mine. Up to you.

Idk but I stand behind Spirit 100% if that means being banned then so be it.I am honestly confused about the whole situation right now.

I think there’s no need to be confused any more since it’s over! We won kiddo!

Yes, I’ve been saved. I was saved to give up to the forums, because all of this made me realize how many good friends I have here, and a smile was brought back to me.

But that’s all. I repeat. There was never a real threat.

Now use a real signature, guys. You too, IV 8D

^ Yip Yip lets go to Disney Land!

Woohoo! I don’t feel guilty anymore!

Yeah!! Woohoo!! hugs Evangeline, Lance, S330, YouareaToy, Glenn, Spirit, and we all go to Disney World

Sounds like a plan! Hahaha I’m just happy this is all over and Spirit’s happy again!

Yes! I got a hug to I felt like I wasn’t in the group of Elites… :laughing:

You’re always welcome in any group as long as I’m the Princess of that group. and we all know I was. :sunglasses:


That’s cool with me Your Highness. 8D

Princess Virginia, I am at your service bow

Whew! That had me scared. 8D Nice to know that you’re staying, SoA. :slight_smile:

8D I’m glad too! I know a lot of other people are too

Ok, I was confused for like the last 15 minutes until I found out what happened. Anyway, it’s good to know that you’re staying, Spirit.