Super 8 or Cars 2?
You remember Super 8, right? On June 10th Super 8 and Cars 2 will be released. I’m sure they will both have midnight showings. Filled with fans of Cars and JJ Abrahms. The question is, which crowd will you be a part of? I’ll be a part of the Super 8 crowd.
I tried to google it. (I have no idea what Super 8 is) though the film for 2011 seems to be a ‘mystery’ and paying a ‘homage’ to certain sci-fi films. I guess I am a little intrigued, though until I can at least see something I guess I’ll be more curious for Cars 2 and how it may be pulled off. (Though I’m eager Rio 1st and KFPanda 2 2nd more to be honest out of any 2011 film) It does apparently have sci-fi and ‘mystery’ attached however so this Super 8 film could be good I guess…
Whatever it is. Too little information for me though to properly judge.
I’ve never ever heard of it though if there’s supposed to be some earlier version/medium of the idea somewhere.
Super 8 for me.
Early Spielbergian influence? Set in Ohio? References to Hangar 18? JJ Abrams? Michael Giacchino? Relatively low budget film that shows you don’t need over 60 million to make a good sci-fi pic these days?
Yep! I’m there. I’m watching Cars 2 mainly because Pixar has yet to completely let me down and because of the score by Giacchino. But Super 8 is more in the realm of my actual interests.
I can’t wait.
Cars 2 opens on June 24th, actually
But I am anticipating Super 8 more
I think you are a little bit confuse, Cars 2 will be released on June 24th, Super 8 is the one to be released on June 10th, however I am definetely with Cars 2, but intrigued to know more about J.J. Abrams new project, they won’t be competing on the same weekend
I’m way more excited for Super 8 than I am for Cars 2.
Cars 2 here. I know(or care) nothing of Super 8.
I have never heard of Super 8, so for now, I’m interested in Cars 2. But that could channge.
Here is the IMDB page with the teaser.
A new trailer will come out Sunday during the Super Bowl
Super 8 withput a doubt, althought hopefully is not another giant letdown like cloverfield
Oooh, it looks cool! I think I’ve seen this teaser before, but I don’t remember where. That probably explains why I don’t remember the title. But thanks for posting.
I’ve never even heard of Super 8.
have you seen the Super 8 Super Bowl TV spot?
it looks really good, reminds me of ET
take a look:
i saw it. It looks really cool. My family was wondering what movie it was. They tohught it could’ve been another transformers teaser. But once they saw Super 8, they were even more confused.
The new spot is making me so hyped for this. I’m glad they’re aiming for a more timeless feel instead of a cheap monster movie if it’s anything to go by. It seems like E.T. + The Iron Giant + Stand By Me + a bit of Cloverfield. I also just learned that Michael Giacchino is doing the score, which is only a good thing
My interest level has gone up!
Sweet! Giacchino is my favorite music composer.
no surprise, Giacchino has been teaming with JJ Abrams for some projects:
M:I 3, Star Trek, Lost, this year he will score: Super 8 and Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol for Abrams, Cars 2 for Pixar, and next year John Carter of Mars to Disney, a talented busy man
A composer does not make a movie good. Case in point: Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. I knew Giacchino was doing the score, but I don’t care until I learn more about it. Besides, he’s also scoring Cars 2.