Super 8

I’m pretty sure you can do it yourself, can’t you?

I’m on it!

Thanks :smiley:

reviews seem to be positive so far for Super 8,

I just got back from seeing it in IMAX and it was great! The acting was great, the creature looked great, the movie was just, you know, great!

First thing I wanna say is that it felt REALLY GOOD to see an IMAX film without 3D glasses. It’s been so long that I can’t remember the last film I’ve seen in IMAX that wasn’t 3D. Now on to the movie. As I’m sure you all know by now, JJ was heavily influenced by Spielberg while making this movie, and it shows. I gotta say, no matter how many times I see those Spielberg shots with children, where the camera is up close on their faces, and they have that look like their star struck or something, it always gets to me. It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I always regress when I see those shots. They never get old. One of the most amazing things about this film for me is that it captured being a kid, and doing things with your friends so well. I never made movies with my friends growing up, and I didn’t grow up in the 70’s. But while watching this movie, I had a lot of flashbacks of the “adventures” my childhood friends and I had growing up. I thought all of the actors were great. I loved the suspense and I loved how this really wasn’t the kind of movie the finale two trailers lead audiences to believe before it came out. And I loved the score. But I couldn’t help but think about some of Giacchino’s other work while it played during the movie. Some of the score for some of the scenes filled with danger reminded me of the batlle between Carl and Charles at the end of up. But some of it, at the beginning filled me with child like wonderment. Truth be told, I enjoyed Super 8 more than Close Encounters. It had all of the Speilberg stables from his early films, but it was more exciting.

Shy is there a thread for this movie and no thread for Jude Moody and the Not-Bummer Summer?

Please keep things on topic, you have the freedom to create a Judy Moody thread.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to see this opening day, but I’m seeing it later today and I’m very, very excited :smiley:

What’s up with the soundtrack with the score coming out on the 28?! :frowning:

I just saw this film last night and wow was it awesome. It was so refreshing too. I have renewed faith in the film industry after seeing Super 8.

I loved the young cast. These kids are so young! They all looked like they were either 12 or 13, and they were simply amazing. They truly held their own and completely carried this movie.

JJ Abrams deserves so much credit, for both writing and directing this great movie. I completely agree that it reminded very much of Spielberg’s early work, especially E.T. for me, as well as the adventures of childhood. I also really enjoyed that it was set in 1979. I felt like I got to watch my dad when he was a kid!

I’m going to go ahead and call this the best summer movie thus far of 2011. It’s going to be hard to surpass!

i saw this last night and i /LOVED/ it. i’m still not feeling the ending, but everything else was amazing. seriously, all the kids were great actors and there was /real/ suspense and it reminded me so much of stuff like E.T. and stand by me and just EVERYTHING and akhjgkl; it was all so awesome.

also, those credits. xD

I don’t really feel like writing a whole review now (and I haven’t seen it since almost a month ago), but this is my favorite movie this year so far despite the flaws it has. The characters are excellent, the cinematography, sound, and music are great, and the story, though far from perfect, is much more enjoyable than most blockbusters of today.

Good review Bryko. That’s waht the majority of what my friends thought. Although there were some that called this movie one of the most flawless films they’ve seen.

It comes out on Blu-Ray and DVD tomorrow!:

I’m going to have some friends over, buy it, order pizza, and watch it with em. Can’t wait!

Getting the DVD some time in December