The Cars Theorization Thread

Snipe: Everything you just said about “cars insides” is exactly what I always thought. So… there. :-D)

By the way, that deleted scene was creepy. :open_mouth: I’m so glad they cut it, phew. :laughing:

Maybe they can’t. o_0

I asked that because I noticed in Cars 2 that Finn grabs a fire extinguisher and uses it on the lemons.

You guys should talk about Chevron. He raises interesting questions about the universe, specially about the insides of the cars.

Finn had that metal magnet plate he used to drive up the oil rig on his tire when holding the extinguisher.

i think they can hold stuff, but maybe not pick stuff up… does that mane any since? but some of them can pick stuff up…
like Finn can pick up metal because he has those magnets that go on his tires,
Holly has the finger things in her hubcaps (like for the “device” that had the pictures of the motor on them)
Flo has her tray thing for serving costumers (like at Sonic!!)
and, of course, Guido (and others like him) can pick stuff up because of their forklift things

but they can hold stuff, like Chick holds his trophy, but doesn’t pick it up, it stays in contact with the ground (or in that case, stage…)

[size=85]Maybe some have magnetic grasp like Finn, but others have some kind of arm that attaches?[/size]

I think I remember a part in the first movie where Mater is saying that Lightning can’t see to back up because he doesn’t have mirrors, or something like that. I don’t get how cars even with mirrors can see to back up because they are behind their eyes.

Maybe they mirrors are photosensitive.

Maybe looking in their mirrors is like extra peripheral vision. Like how we can see in our peripheral vision, maybe with their mirrors, it’s just like that but they can see more. If that makes sense. o_0


^-^ I’m gonna go with what SallyMcQueen said, makes sense to me[/size]

That makes some sense. That makes me wonder though how he was able to press the button or whatever it was.

[size=85]Maybe it’s some kind of software wired to his brain or something?..Like he just has to think about it, like they send commands to the other parts of their bodies.
I don’t know though, sounds a little extreme just for mirrors :confused: :unamused: [/size]

Oh. Yeah, I would have no idea. Heehee. :laughing: Let’s wait for Snipe to come up with some awesome explanation on that one. :wink:


Really XD I try, but I usually just seem to ramble off on something that doesn’t even make any sense 8D [/size]

8D Okay, which question? :laughing:

not all of them have mirrors right next to their eyes, like Finn and Holley (and a lot of the foreign cars) have them farther up on the fenders

so can older cars not drive backwards like Mater? because i know a lot of older cars only had 1 rearview mirror (like my dad’s car!) and Doc only has one… i think ~goes to check~ ya, the “passing mirror” its only on the driver’s side (or left from the car’s perspective), and Flo and Ramone don’t have any mirrors at all, so can they not see behind them or do they have magic (invisible) mirrors like McQueen?

I think it was on how Finn held the fire extinguisher, like how he pressed the button and stuff. Or how cars physically do things like that in the first place.

Cars without mirrors can learn how to drive backwards. Lightning did at the last race without mirrors (and actually, those on his roof weren’t mirrors and Netbug was right about them being air flaps to prevent him from rolling. I remember us debating about it.) I think just not as well as Mater and such. I never knew that Doc only had one mirror! :open_mouth:

I think they can see behind them or close to it in their normal peripheral vision but not as far as cars with mirrors.

Yes, some old models had only one.

Ha! Ha! Mini Cooper with a pencil on his tire! That’s how cars write. Don’t know how he’s holding it but we’ll just leave it at that. :laughing:

Well, it’s probably clipped onto his tire, like the cameras. Other than that though I’m at a loss, I can’t really answer any of the other questions past what we’ve already got either. :laughing:

Oh, and I used to wonder how they got things clipped on to their tires in the first place, but I’ve decided it’s probably done by the forklifts. Which leads to another interesting idea… if the forklifts are always having to do things for the other cars while being limited in other abilities (you never see them in high positions or anything, they’re always sidekicks or helpers), were they maybe treated as slaves or servants at one time? And if that’s the case, maybe they had a civil war or civil rights movement at some point. :sunglasses:

And another thing I’ve always wondered… how in the world can Lightning see Mack on the screen in his trailer when they talk to each other? Mack has no camera in front of him! He doesn’t even have any large mirrors or anything hanging out from in front of him that might suffice as being a camera holder! :open_mouth: 8D