Hi fellow Pixar fans! This is Andre AKA The Drive-In Theatre here.
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to my YT channel, thedriveintheatre89(Because I forgot the password to my first: thedriveintheatre). Here are some vids that my interest you Wall-E and Ratatouille fans:
Wall-E Trailer “Forgotten World”
I’ve just completed my first fan trailer, and what better film to start with than one of my most anticipated this year, Wall-E. Some of you may recognise the background song from one of my fave movies, Blood Diamond. I put a lot of effort searching for all the featurettes and trailers and synching them into a cohesive whole in time to the beat, so I hope you enjoy it!
The Ultimate 2008 Summer Movies Music Video
I know, it’s a pompous title, but I just wanted to make it sound attractive. Usually a movie’s clips’ length are in direct proportion to my excitement for it, so I devote more screentime to Wall-E and Eve throughout the video. And watch the part where the singers ‘bop’ to hand claps 3/4 through the music video, I’ve matched Wall-E’s vignettes to the rhythmn of the song.
Kung Fu Parody
Here I do a little jab at Pixar’s competitor, Dreamworks’ Kung Fu Panda. It may sound counter-intuitive, but the movies I make fun of are the ones I love most, and KCP is no exception. Keep your eyes peeled for Wall-E and Eve cameos!
The Dark 'C**k
Sorry if the title sounds vulgar, but it really isn’t, I just shortened Hancock’s name to a ruder sounding version (note the use of the apostrophe). Again, look out for our robot couple as they meet a tongue-in-cheek ‘gruesome fate’ in this trailer mash of The Dark Knight, Hancock, and Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.
2007 in Film
Another music video compilation I did at the beginnning of this year. Ratatouille gets prominently featured throughout the video, due to my aformentioned subconscious habit.
I hope to get some rips from my DVDs so I can make more ‘stricter’ music vids and fan trailers of other Pixar movies. Do rate, comment, sub and friend me if you like what you’ve seen, it would really make my day! If you didn’t, well that’s just tough luck. (Naw, I’m kidding, just gimme some constructive criticism)