The Great Suggestions Thread

With the usergroups, when it does get to a point that there are just too many little icons to put under each user’s name, we could perhaps have a group for those who really do love every single one of Pixar’s films? Just an idea.

As for the subforum numbers increasing as each film comes out, Rachel makes a good point that any sequels will be put under the original’s subforum. Personally, I think that even if it gets to quite a large number in a few years time, having a section for each Pixar film (and its sequels) is essential on here. After all, this is a forum to essentially talk about Pixar films, and if stuff like ‘Other Animation’ can have it’s own area, then I think every Pixar film (unless it’s a sequel) should too.

i think attatching pictures to posts instead of hotlinking/img codes would be good. maybe because im lazy. :unamused:

So far, the site is pretty good but what I think would help a little if there was a way to show who was in the chatroom before entering so that it could prevent a member from logging in only to discover that there is nobody in there to chat with.

This isn’t really a suggestion, but I didn’t feel it was big enough to warrant a new thread. I was wondering when the new threads are going to show up on the forums main page again; this feature was taken down after PP crashed briefly, and it still doesn’t show the title of the latest thread in each section.

I think that Pixar Planet needs a subforum specifically for selling and trading merchandise

Well, we kinda have that oreo-94. It’s the Pixar Planet Trading Post thread.

oh! I missed that! Sorry!

Something that drives me crazy is that there’s no way to view spoilers when I’m browsing via iPhone. Changing the spoilers to CSS mouseover triggers would be all that’s needed to fix such.

Of course, that would also mean that simply mousing over the text would reveal the spoiler and I don’t know whether or not members would hate that.

Hey Fett101, this is just a quick little suggestion, but maybe you could copy/paste the spoiler into something like a note or the URL bar? I tested it with my Ipod Touch, and it seemed to work. Sure, it is pretty inconvenient and silly, but if you absolutely just have to read something, you could do that if you wanted.

First off, thanks to Rachel for adding my idea of a “last logged in” feature to the list :slight_smile: .

Second, I’ve got another suggestion. I don’t know if it’s happened to other people or not, but I’ve had trouble with sending/receiving PMs in the past. I don’t know if somthing could be done to fix this or not, I just thought I’d bring it to light. Maybe, at least some kind of conformation that the person you were PMing got the message. Like, if they don’t want to right a long reply, that can just hit “confirm received message” when they’ve read it. I know there’s the “Out Box” and “In Box,” but I think even messages that I sent that didn’t go through still ended up it the “Out Box.” It’s no emergency, it’s just a suggestion :slight_smile: .

Oh, also, is there a reason that it automatically logs you out of the forums when you’ve been siting for a while. I’ve been in the middle of long messages or posts and once I go and hit “submit” it says I’ve been logged out (and sometimes, I loose everything I typed). Again, just a suggestion. Thanks!

Violet Parr: I believe the ‘Sent Box’ shows messages you have sent which have been received and opened, so you would know it has reached the sender and he/she has read, if at least, clicked on the message.

As for the accidental log-outs, it has happened to me several times before, but not for a while. But maybe site admins should look into giving users the option to set the duration before a forced log-out?

Actually, I am aware of the functions of the "Out Box" and "Sent Box." But if I remember correctly, I’ve sent messages, and they when into the Sent Box, but the person never received them. I could be wrong. Thank you, though, [b:1kju7693]TDIT[/b:1kju7693] :) .

And user-set times might be good. It is frustrating to loose everything you write :-\ .

I was going to make this a new thread, but then I found this one. I haven’t had time to read this whole thread yet, so I’m sorry If someone has already sent this, but does anyone else think that it would be cool to update the Toy Story themes for Pixar Planet and Upcoming Pixar? There are many TS2 characters among them both, so adding some 3 characters would be cool too!

We should have the ability to text into here and post!

Would it be possible for one of the active mods to edit the front page of this thread?

Consider it done, love70ways. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean. Could you elaborate, please?

Do you mean being able to post from a mobile phone? Like, using your texting service to make posts here, instead of being limited to using a phone capable of internet access?

In that case, we’d have to have like, a “mobile” version of PP, I’m not sure how that could be done, but it’s been done with other sites, so… :laughing:

little chef

You would, like, type the name of the thread you wanna post in, then type your message and BOOM! there it is.

That seems wicked complicated to me…

Wouldn’t there have to be some kind of Pixar Planet App for that to work?

I was thinking we should have something like a party, around Christmas or other times, have a chat or something and try to get a lot of members to join. We can talk about whatever we want as long as it doesn’t break the rules.