The Incredibles Fan Commentary

Any of those times are fine for me. Also, it should be 10pm in Los Angeles, not 11pm.

11 PM does look really hard for me, but since qxnxamy assured me that it is 10:00, then I’m fine with that.

I really don’t like the first times, but I am hopefully availible the last three listed dates.

Whoops. Thanks for the correction, Peter. :wink:

Well, the first time is today and I’m still having Internet troubles so that’s out anyway. I’ll let you guys know if we can record at the date that is roughly two weeks from now. Thanks.

Man, I’d love to jump in on this one (or one of these), but I’ve yet to get a hold on the necessary equipment…:frowning:

Have fun…:wink:


No more participants for The Incredibles will be added now anyway, but we may do it again towards the end of the year if there’s demand for it.

Yea, I know…just hopeful wishing…:wink:

Will keep an eye out then…:-D)


So, which one will it be?

Friday 15th/Saturday 16th May
Los Angeles: Friday 10:00pm
New York: Saturday 1:00am
Berlin: Saturday 7:00am
(that would be three minutes from now…)

Saturday 16th/Sunday 17th May
Los Angeles: Saturday 10:00pm
New York: Sunday 1:00am
Berlin: Sunday 7:00am

Saturday 30th/Sunday 31st May
Los Angeles: Saturday 10:00pm
New York: Sunday 1:00am
Berlin: Sunday 7:00am

Sorry, totoro. My Internet is still giving me grief when I make Skype calls and I’m too busy this weekend to record anyway. But perhaps if I can figure out a way to solve my connection problems I can record on Sunday 31st. I will keep you updated.

If my wireless connection holds the Skype call ok, I should be able to make it for this Sunday. I need to test it out, though… I tried with the Skype Test Centre, but the trouble comes with longer calls, not those less than a minute. But I’ll try not to let you guys down.

This Sunday won’t work for me, though. Only the last week of May will (=> schedule).

Oops. Sorry, totoro. I misread. Well, I think next Sunday 31st May will be fine for me, too. Probably even better than this Sunday.

The Star Swordsman, if you were willing to record on Friday night at 10pm we could do it this week…?

If I can get my computer fixed up rachel, then yes.

So, now I’m officially confused…
I thought there was going to be just one commentary group.

Ok, The Star Swordsman. Good luck with getting your computer troubles sorted out.

totoro - I was asking TSS if it’s possible for him to record this Friday night (his time). But I just looked at the schedules and you won’t be able to record this weekend, anyway. Well, if your schedule changes let us know, otherwise we can just do it at the last weekend of May.

Just to clarify, I think this time should be fine for me:

Saturday 30th/Sunday 31st May
Los Angeles: Saturday 10:00pm
New York: Sunday 1:00am
Berlin: Sunday 7:00am

I haven’t tested it over Skype so hopefully my connection will hold out ok. If it doesn’t then you can go on without me. Better watch The Incredibles to find something to say, too…

I’ve uploaded the commentary: Part 1, Part 2. I edited out the inaccurate information I gave about Doc’s location in the film. If I made any mistakes editing, let me know. Nice job commentating, everyone. =)

Good job everyone, and thanks for editing Peter. =D

I’m listening to it now. It’s pretty good but there are a lot of quiet moments. But it was still fun to record, which is all that matters. Eh, don’t worry, I’ve given wrong information in a commentary before but if you’re happy to edit it out, that’s ok. Here’s the article I was talking about in the commentary of the tablet that Mirage leaves for Mr. Incredible being an inspiration for something that Mac created: Incredible Inspiration For MacBook Air?

I had problems with my DVD player because we were running a skype conversation while watching the movie. As a result, the movie on my DVD player played the movie at half-speed. I fell out of sync so much thoughout the commentary. I think it is very noticable in the finished product.

I was very exhausted when we did the commentary. It was really late at night when we started, so maybe that explained a couple of quiet spots: I was dozing off a bit.

Otherwish, I had so much fun. I’m glad that we got a lot of facts, opinions, and other fun stuff in the commentary. I was pleased that I made you guys laugh while recording.

I had so much fun. I can’t wait to do another one.

Regardless of quiet spots, glitches and me sometimes struggling a bit to find the right words in English, it was still a lot of fun.

See you on the scare floor, folks… :smiley:

FYI, I won’t be able to post a PAL version of the commentary because of server issues that are unlikely to be resolved in the near future (and the previous ones are offline too at their original location).
If anyone is interested, increasing the tempo in Audacity by 4.27083333333 percent should do the trick.

That’s ok, totoro. You did well in expressing your thoughts, seeing as English is your second language. Also, you need to more specific with that number there, I think. Heheh. ;-p