The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

Pfff…now that’s just mean. :laughing:

Maybe one of these days…I’ll get his picture. (snigger) :wink:

Yeah. You should ask him out, then you’ll have your very own Linguini. You are a

girl, right?

rachel - Haha – so then I’d be like Colette, right? I mean, I have the black hair

and everything… (snigger) :stuck_out_tongue:

Too bad I’m not interested in guys. :wink:

But perhaps we’re

getting too off-topic… Heheh.

Hi. I was just wondering,

does watching the Ratatouille Trailer 73 times make you obsessed? My friends seem to think so. My name is

Rachel and I love all the Pixar movies. My favorite so far is The Incredibles, but I think that is going to

change when Ratatouille comes out. I love to draw and want to work at Pixar. I also love Linguini.

<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif" alt=":loves:" title="In <p>Love" /></p>

Hello Sharpie. Welcome to Pixar

Planet. And You can think what ever you want about obsession. Once, or 73 times. That is a lot. How great it is

for a fan like you to join us. Make yourself at home. And I too love the Incredibles like you do.

Hey sharpie welcome to Pixar Planet make your

self at home!!!

No! Noo…I don’t believe

it!! I can’t…I can’t bear the pain! Someone dares to have seen the trailer more times than

I? I…the most obsessed Ratatouille fan in the world,

who has seen the trailer 42 times and the teaser just as much??!

(snigger) Welcome to [i]Pixar

Planet[/i], sharpie. And I’m watching you on that trailer business.

It’s on! Let’s see who can get to 100 first… :wink:

Mitch: Wow Mitch, 42 times? I thought you would see it more than 100 times.

Star Swordsman- Thanks. :smiley:

Spiderman- Thank you. I love your avatar. Spiderman is AWESOME!

Mitch- Ha! :laughing: I had a

feeling you might say that. Let the race begin! If it makes you feel better, I’ve seen the teaser less than

you have. You’re probably more obsessed than I am.

Well, if you must know, she has drawn fan art, written fan fics, and post really long stuff

just about ratatouille. But obssesion could come in many different forms.

Star Swordsman- I

know. I looked at Mitch’s art and fan fictions before I registered and she is a brilliant writer and artist!

Mitch- Sorry to do this to you Mitch, but I just reached 100 and this is how I am feeling. :shake: Wanna

go for 200? :wink:

Hey sharpie, welcome to [i]Pixar

I see you’re another Linguini fan… Cool! Anyways, [b]have

fun[/b]! :wink:

Hey there,

sharpie! Welcome to Pixar Planet. :smiley:

Hey, sharpie! Welcome

to Pixar Planet! I can personally garauntee you’ll

have a great time here! :smiley:

I don’t know, Mitch is pretty obsessed…but

hey, maybe you can take the crown! :smiley:

I think I’m at 32 by the way…

The Star Swordsman - Yep –

right on the mark! Fan stories, graphics, art, everything! I’m overly-obsessed… (snigger)


Thank you, sharpie. :wink:


way! This can’t be!!! I’ve only seen it 45 times now!

(snigger) Ok, how about this: When the movie comes out, let’s see who can get to 20 first – that’s my main

goal. Deal? :wink:

Gasduude - Wow – 32? That’s pretty good! And no one is

allowed to wear that crown but me. Heheh – I’m just kidding. Obsession can go too far sometimes… (laughs)


Mitch - Yeah, 32…I don’t exactly know, because I haven’t been keeping an exact

count. But I’ve been watching it about 5 times every morning, so…

Hey, your great

Mitch! We (or at least I) love your “over” obsession!

Thank you sharpie. :smiley:

Usually, before the movie come out, a really huge, obsessed fan will try to

shoot for a thousand times. I will let you guys do the math from here. Are you gonna do that Sharpe?

Thanks for the nice

welcome everyone. :smiley:

Gasdude- 32 times is a lot.

Mitch-As much as I would love to see Ratatouille

20 times, I don’t think my parents will let me. :cry: I was so tired after watching the trailer that many

times last night. As for the crown, I’m starting to feel like Buzz Lightyear taking Woody’s place. It’s not

going to happen! :smiley:

Starswordsman- Crap! I wish you hadn’t said that. Now I have to watch it 1,000

times. I’ll spread it out this time. :mrgreen:

Well, if I am not

mistaken, Ratatouille comes out in about 85 days or something. Assuming that you have watched it 100 times, to

finish up the remaining 900, you have to watch it about an average of 10.5 times a day until the release.