The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

[size=92]Wow, Hog-Hug - you sound almost exactly like me! I’m an artist

too. :slight_smile: Well, welcome to Pixar Planet, and I hope you enjoy your stay![/size]

Thanks! :wink: I’m sure I will. 8]

Welcome Hog-Hug!!! Hope you have a fun time here.


Haha – yeah, my sister

and I joke about it sometimes, too. There are alot of Brad Bird fans around here alright, and many

Ratatouille-lovers as well (myself included). But yeah – great screen name! :wink:

Heheh – you’re funny. I bet everybody would

be staring at us like crazy… (snigger) :laughing:

Welp, I plan to be a computer animator; however, if that

job doesn’t head my way, then I’ll go for storyboard artist. We’ll just have to see what happens. The Lord

will help me reach my goal. :wink:

And you’re welcome about the whole “siggy” thing. It

is really cool!

Oh, and I just saw [i]Meet the

Robinsons[/i] too, by the way. It was awesome! :smiley:



I love Pixar films but have only recently gotten into Pixar in the

last couple of years or so. I think about Pixar every day and probably annoy my family by talking about upcoming

films all the time, and reasons why Pixar films are so funny and smart.

Nice to meet you all! :smiley:

It great to have you with us!!!


Welcome to Pixar Planet. I hope you find great hospitality here. We welcome you with open arms. All of us.

[b]Welcome to Pixar Planet make your self at home. :wink: BTW I love your avatar

and sig!!! :smiley: [/b]

Nah, not at Pixar they wouldn’t. :wink: Unless we were ACTUALLY

screaming. Then they might think something’s actually wrong with us. :confused:

I’m feeling the same. :] Right now my heart is

set on animator- I find myself trying to think of new expressions all the time, or I’m immitating ones I think

are cute or funny… The one thing I’m very proud of in my art is that everyone has always told me my

expressions are always great, and I can think up nice and unique poses. I can make a stick figure look proud.


But I would also LOVE to be a character designer, or set designer. OR storyboard artist! So once I

get into art school, I’m just going to see where that leads me. :] Kind of that Pocahontas saying, hmm? Wherever

the wind blows. :wink:

Anyway, I suppose I’m getting a little off topic here. Sorry. :unamused:

And to Sky! Welcome! ;D Love your avatar.

Welcome, Sky! I’m sure you’ll feel very at

home here. :wink:

[b]Welcome to

Pixar Planet, Sky![/b]

hope you enjoy your stay at Pixar Planet!

(Heehee) Welcome,[b]Sky

[/b]! I’m sure you’ll love it here!

Oh, and if you can make avatars as good as the one you

have, I may take up your offer someday! :wink:

Welcome to the boards, Sky! Wow

– another Linguini fan. He seems to have become quite popular in the last few days… (snigger) :wink:


and I love your avatar. Very cute! If you made me a Remy one I’d be pleased beyond all capacity – umm, that is,

if you have the time of course. :wink:

Hog-Hug - Cool! Well,

when I see you at Pixar in the future I’ll know which job you will have taken.

Sounds like you really love character animation above all the others, so I’ll probably see you in that

department…hopefully. :smiley:

How can anyone NOT like Liguini? <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" />

What type

of Remy avatar do you want? Any scene or moment in particular? :wink:

can you make me some Spider-Man avatars?

I could.


Heheh – naaah, I’m just kidding. I think he’s adorable, which is weird…since I’m not interested

in boys at all. I know someone who looks like Linguini, actually. He has the curly hair and everything…


Concerning the Remy avatar: Ohh…any ol’ picture will do, as

long as Remy looks cute in it – heheh. :wink:

OMG. You HAVE to post a picture!

Please? I’ll get to making your avatar soon.

Spiderman- I maybe should have

specified that I will make people Ratatouille avatars, since there aren’t that many around and I’m not really

into Spiderman. Sorry.

Sky - Haha –

well, he works at a local grocery store that I go to, but I wouldn’t want to give out the name of the place or

the gentleman’s name…just to be safe and to respect the privacy of the company and said individual.

Heheh – sorry about that. But yeah, he does look alot like Linguini: same eyes, same hair, even the same

nose. :wink:

Oh, and thank you. I can’t wait to see the avatar! :smiley:

You don’t have to

say which town he is from. Just go to the store then go up to him, take his photo, then run away. ;-p