The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

You paln to work at Pixar!!! We have a lot in common. So do I!!!

Heehee - I see you got your avatar…

(claps hands) I love it! :smiley:

Oh gosh, I

absolutely love your avatar, Maggie! That’s one of my

favorite parts in the whole trailer! :smiley:

Haha – I’m honored,

Gasduude. However, to tell you the truth, I think

PixarVixen would be an even better consultant when it comes to the art department.

Archibald is great at it, as well. I guess I would be second or third in line after

her – heheh. :wink:


[/b]- Well, yeah. I said that becuase I knew you at least wanted to work for Pixar… I wasn’t

certain the others exactly planned to.

But yes, Three Cheers for PV and

Archibald! :smiley:

Hello Maggie_PixarFan. I replyed in your

intro section before, but I just want to say that you are among family here. Please enjoy your stay.

[size=92]I do a bit of artsy stuff as well, but Mitch, PV and Archibald would

probably be more experienced, seeing as they’re older. ^^ Anyways, welcome![/size]

Hey Howdy Hey

everyone! :smiley: My name’s Chelsea, but I also go by Pook- or pretty much anything you want to call me.


Let’s see… I was in 2nd grade when Toy Story came out in 1995, and I’ve been a ‘fan’ of it and

Pixar ever since. :wink: Toy Story was probably my first real ‘obsession’, literally. In school back then, all of

us girls wore dresses- but I was the only one wearing light-up Buzz Lightyear tennis shoes instead of mary janes

with mine.

I think I’m going to have to say my favorite Pixar movie is Finding Nemo, even though looking

at my room, you’d probably think it was Cars. (I betcha’ I’ve got the most Cars merchandise of anyone here. ;O

Any takers?) Although Toy Story will always have that special place above all the others, I could never

really choose between any of their films. :confused:

What else can I say? Well, I’m

an artist. When I FINALLY graduate, I’m going to go to school for animation. I’ve wanted to be an animator for

about two years- And, of course, I’d like to work at Pixar. >;) But I’ve got a long way to go before I’m

that good. And on another note- even before I wanted to be an ‘animator’, per se-

as a kid I wanted to write and illustrate children’s books (in my opinion, the two are pretty similar), and

I’ve wanted to be an ‘artist’ since the age of two. So I consider it a lifelong dream.

Anyway, I think

I better shut up for now. I’ve got to get ready to Meet The Robinsons this afternoon. >:D Who else is


[b]Hi Hog-Hug welcome

to Pixar Planet enjoy your stay here. :smiley: [/b]


PLANET, Hog-Hug!

Well, join the club! If I can get there, you’ll find me at the art department!


Welcome I hope you have a good time

here. :smiley:

Hog-Hug -

Heheh – I love where you got your name: Hogarth Hughes, if I’m not mistaken. :mrgreen:

Welcome to

Pixar Planet, Hog-Hug! Please make yourself comfortable

and enjoy yourself as much as possible. :wink:

Awesome – another Finding Nemo

lover and fellow animator! It’s great to hear that your life-long dream is to work at Pixar as well, since most

of us around here have the same desire. I hope you achieve your goal!

And yep – I’m also getting ready

to see Meet the Robinsons this evening (after my sister gets home from school).

Finally, we’ll get a chance to see the Ratatouille

trailer on the big screen! (snigger)

Again, welcome to Pixar Planet! I hope

you enjoy your stay here. Oh and, by the way, I absolutely love your signature. :slight_smile:

You know, I was just thinking: It seems as if many members around here (myself

included) wish to work at Pixar in the future. Wouldn’t that be interesting if, when we finally do reach our

goal, we all meet each other at the studio and say, "Hey, I remember you from [i]Pixar

Planet[/i]!". Heh. :smiley:

That’s funny, today I thought about the same thing! :wink: But, yeah, that would

be cool!

Hog-Hug- Welcome! Looks like

you’re gonna fit right in here, by the sounds of things. :laughing:

Welcome Hog-Hug! Great

having so many new member around! I Luh-uve you avatar! :wink:

Mitch - I

actually though of that too…hopefully we would realize who we were, after all: my name is not exactly

Gasduude! :laughing:

Hello hog-hug. Welcome to Pixar Planet. I hope you enjoy

your stay.

haha, I’m glad someone finally

noticed! I thought with all you Brad Bird/ Ratatouille nuts around, someone would have said something. Hog Hug

has always been a funny saying between my friends and I. Something about it just makes us laugh. :wink:

Well thanks! 8 D And to your last


That would be pretty cool. Probably one of those-

“WOW, I am a NERD.” moments for me, but it would be pretty awesome. 8 D I’d probably invite you to run

down the halls, inwardly screaming with me. Or maybe I’m just nuts- but I’d be too excited to

walk, upon finally entering the actual studio. :wink: Here’s hoping we do meet up

one day. So do you want to be an actual animator, or a designer, storyboard artist, …? I’m actually keeping my

mind open, I’d love to do all three. :slight_smile:

I jsut got back from Meet(ing) the Robinsons. :wink: I liked it!

I’ll keep my trap shut though about comments, because I don’t want to give anything away!

And thanks

about my sig. Gotta love the smirk on Woody’s face. :sunglasses:

Yeah, and I’d hope when we meet, I’m not

greeted as ‘Hog-Hug’… 8D Though that would be pretty funny. "OH hey, you’re HOG-HUG from the Pixar

Planet forums!"

“Well, if you wanna call me Hog-Hug, at least say it ‘Hoggarth Hughes’”

is what’s I’d say. :wink:

Anyway- Thanks for the welcome! : D

Heehee – no problem! :smiley:

BTW: That’s a beautiful screencap you got

there for you signature, did you make it yourself?

Hmm, you know I don’t really remember. I put in a search

on Google awhile ago for Buzz and Woody, or something like that, and came across my sig. image- but I think what

I have now was cropped. I have the ‘original’ somewhere, I’m sure. :unamused: BUt

no, I didn’t actually cap it myself. It is a pretty nice screencap though, huh? : )

Yes – Beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful. The lighting the shadows…

This is the stuff that gets

me out of bed in the morning! :smiley: