The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

I’ve been on here for a month or so, but I’ve only

posted a few replies here and there. So hi everyone!!! :smiley:
I’m partial to the characters that John

Ratzenberger voices (Ham, P.T. Flea, The Yeti, The School of Fish, The Underminer, and, of course, Mac). I don’t

know why, I just think his voice is very unique and I love it! My favorite movie so far is Cars. I listen to it a

lot while I’m at work. (Cuz I can’t WATCH it…Then I wouldn’t be working, would I? :wink:
My favorite

character of all Pixar movies is probably Boo. I can never get enough of her mumbling…It’s soooo cuuuute!!!

So yeah, enough about me…

The Star Swordsman - Haha – yeah, that’s true.


JesusFreak - Welcome to Pixar Planet,

JesusFreak! It’s nice to see you posting more often now. :wink:

I love John

Ratzenburger’s voice as well, partly because it is – as you said – unique and partly because it’s fun to


JesusFreak: Well, here is your official welcome from me. Welcome to PixarPlanet, and yes, I

too am a little fond of Pixar’s own good luck charm. Anyways, have fun. See ya around the boards.

Welcome to the club,

JesusFreak! Great to have you with us! I love your screename! :smiley:

Thanks guy!!! I feel LUUUUUVVEED!


guys! I’ve been gone for a few days. It’s good to be back!!!


[/b]- Hey, nice to have you back!

You know, Bill, I’ve gotten so

used to you without an avatar…it’s sorta become your avatar! :smiley: I know you said somewhere else you can’t find

one that’s small enough, but I for one think your perfectly fine without one! :wink:

See ya round!

Hey Bill. Even though you have been a member for a

while, here is my welcome back to you.


Bill! :stuck_out_tongue: [/size]

Thanks for the

welcome back, guys!!! :smiley:

Sorry i havent been here in a while,ive been suspended from the computer. :unamused: :wink:

Yep, we all missed you! :wink:

See ya’



I’m Maggie, and I’m new on Pixar Planet. I’ve posted a topic introducing myself in the wrong place (in the

feature films thread) :blush:

But it doesn’t matter. I just wanted to ask you guys a question: how do I

change my display picture (or whatever it is called)?

Besides that, I don’t have much more to say. Just

wanted to say hi! :wink:

Hey Maggie

welcome to Pixar Planet! What’s your favorite Pixar movie?
About your avatar what you have to do is go to

your “profile” and uploaded the image you want. (Remember you avatar can only be 100 by 100 or less)


Welcome to the world of

Pixar Planet, Maggie_PixarFan! I hope you enjoy your

stay here. Please don’t hesitate to look around and have fun doing it. :smiley:

My name is

Mitch. The only thing you have to know about me is that I’m the biggest

Ratatouille fan/geek in the universe. (heheh)

As for the display picture you

are referring to, that is known as an avatar. You can upload avatars/pictures via your

Profile page (which is located at the top of the screen). Simply click on the

Profile button, and scroll down to the section where you can upload avatars. Click

on “Browse” next to the white box to load an avatar from your “Pictures” folder, or type in

your preferred avatar’s URL address in the box below that.

Again, welcome to [i]Pixar

Planet[/i]! :wink:

Hey welcome to Pixar Planet, Maggie_PixarFan!!!

Hiya (again)! :smiley:

What [b]JV

[/b]and Mitch said, plus: If you recieve the error message:

Birthdate is 0 to 0 inclusive (or something like that) when you try to upload your

avatar, just delete your birthday field and it’ll finally accept it. :wink:

Some bug in the system I


Thanks for the welcome, guys! :smiley: :smiley:


[/b], at the moment, my favorite Pixar movie is Cars, but I think that,

when I watch Ratatouille, I’m gonna have a new favorite Pixar film! :wink:

But I love all of the Pixar films… I’m even planning on working there!

Maybe in the art department or something like that…

Join the club! Mitch would be the best person to talk

to regarding art…however, you’ll find me math and computer whiz in the technical department! :smiley:

BTW: I’m the guy who runs JV PIXAR NEWS. :smiley: