The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

Welcome, Pixel Candy! Your name is making me hungry.


Welcome Pixel Candy. I could tell after a few posts

from you that you will have so much to say and to to talk about… Welcome once again.

[size=92]lizardgirl - Lol, yes. People make jokes about my name on other sites too. XD


Star Swordsman - I sure do have plenty to say. ^^

Thanks for the kind welcome.[/size]

Welcome to Pixar Planet, Pixel Candy!!!

Sounds like we have alot in common. Welcome to [i]Pixar

Planet[/i], Pixel Candy! :smiley:

[size=92]Thank you. ^^[/size]

Welcome Pixel Candy – In case you didn’t know, I’m Phoenician (Call me Pheon

:sunglasses: ) and I’m pretty much a ghost on this site, a loyal PIXAR fan but a fan who has been consumed by college

life. But don’t let a scarey ol ghost scare you away from this site!! (I’m half-kidding . . . its just been

so long!!)

Once again, welcome! Enjoy your stay!

Oh and hi everybody! Long time no postie!!

Hello Phoenician,

We all missed you. It has been odd without you. Just a friendly hi

and a what’s up. Hope things are going wll for you.


Welcome back, Phoenician!!!

[size=92]Hehe, hi and thanks Pheon. I’ve seen you around here a couple of


I’m glad your back Phoenician!!! :smiley:

Pheonician - Really, it hasn’t been the same without you, Pheon. It’s great to

see you around the boards again! :wink:

hi folks,

…pleased to meet you!
i’m also new

to this site and just wanted to say “hello”.

i am stickers, webmaster of

futuremania.dei[/i] and a big CARS fan. besides that, i love 2D

animation, 3D animation, science fiction, the medieval ages [i](especially the

weaponry)[/i], fast cars, writing fan fictions [i](especially dramatic

ones)[/i], music, reading, chocolate [i](yes, i need to admit that i’m a chocoholic, and

unfortunately not far away from my home is a gas station with 24hrs service and always plenty of

chocolate)[/i], good food, eating & dining with friends…
i’m a microbiologist, as old as

the night is dark (sorry, folks, i am 40, but i feel like 30) and deeply romantic

(this explains a lot in my fan fictions).

is that enough? wanna know


Welcome stickers. You are among many fans here. Please

make yourself comfortable here.

Great to have you here, Stickers! Welcome!!!

thanks for the welcome!

i hope you

folks can do with me :unamused: normally, people think i’m a weirdo - liking this animation stuff and that…


stickers: People think you are a

wierdo? Dude, you are surrounded by people who obsess over certain Pixar films. Sometimes the obsession goes a

little to far for a “normal” person. You are among family here.

stickers - Welcome to the

club! Please make yourself at home here and don’t feel embarassed to express yourself. As [b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] said, we are all family. People who say that you are weird don’t know what they are

talking about…

By the way, I love your avatar. That mesmerized look on Lightning’s face is just

hilarious. :wink:

Ha – for a second there I thought you were talking about

me and my Ratatouille obsession. (snigger) :stuck_out_tongue:

The obsession factor can go with anyone on this site Mitch.

[size=92]Heya Stickers! Welcome to Pixar

Planet. :smiley: Btw, I love your profile and avatar. Lightning is indeed awesome. Hehe~[/size]