The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

Yes , welcome to pixar planet !

Hello there to all!
I’ am

Dory’s Defender as you see, and yes, I really do love, and know Alot about Dory as

you probably noticed with my user img and name, but I do also like all the rest of the Pixar movies that exist to

now :wink:
I have been around places and boards concerning FN as we fans of the movie call it, and related. But

everything now seems to have died out nearly completely with Finding Nemo board-wise. I see this board is quite

new and I think it’s amazing of how many people have registered already. I also like the way this board is set

up. And activity on here is great.

(I believe i’m the only big Dory person

here @ Pixar Planet so far :smiley:
So I will take great pride in that here and

hopefully be able to tell some of my knowledge I have about Dory on here if ya wish me to :wink: )

Welcome to Pixar Planet, Dory’s


I think it’s safe to say that you’re our biggest Dory fan here.



Welcome to Pixar Planet,

Dory’s Defender! I like your screen name. :wink:

Yep – Dory is wonderful, as

is the movie she starred in. It’s nice to meet another Finding Nemo fan on these

boards, as I am a big lover of the film myself.

I hope you enjoy your stay here! :smiley:

Hello Dory’s Defender! Welcome to Pixar


Welcome to Pixar Planet Dory’s

Defender! :smiling_imp:

Thank you all for the ones who gave me the very pleasant hellos and

"Hi"s. I really see there is alot of great friendly people on here.
I also, definitely agree with ya

PixarVixen that I most likely Am the biggest Dory person here on Pixar Planet


This in fact makes you very unique. I mean, who else here

on PP can say that? :question:

Dunno yet :astonished:
But am still

optimistic about it though.

(+, I’m surprised of the fast reply you made :laughing: )

Well, I am one of few who do fast replies. I am sure if you got to know a lot of people here,

you can learn a thing or two.

Hey there, DD! Welcome to

Pixar Planet. I just love your avatar! :smiley:

Welcome to Pixar Planet Dory’s Defender ! I agree , she does rule , just like the person who

voices her ( Ellen Degeneres , for the people who amazingly do not know ) . Yes TSS does reply quickly , but that

means from him you’ll usually always get a reply .

Of course!
I even see the evidence of it already,


Well, some people here just love to post. And

once again, welcome.

I’m Bill, but you guys know that by now,


I don’t know why it took me so long to join the forum, but I’m here now, and that’s all that

matters. I love comedy, and I am a real jokester.

Here are my intrests.

  1. Pixar (of

2. animation
3. Tim Burton

And I would just like to say thanks to everyone for giving me

such a warm welcome. I already know that I will fit right in with this fantastic group of people. Thanks


Hello Bill! Welcome to Pixar Planet. We are so glad that you are here.

Welcome to

Pixar Planet, Bill! I hope you enjoy your stay here.


Thanks, guys. I will

definitely enjoy my stay here! Heh!

[b]Welcome to Pixar

Planet Bill!!![/b]

[size=92]Well, I joined a few days ago but I might as well make my introduction now… :slight_smile:


yeah. I’m Pixel Candy, thought you can just call me Candy, since that’s my nickname on other internet sites.

(Not my real name of course, but I’m not telling you what it really is. :stuck_out_tongue:) I think I must be one of the

youngest people on this site, since I’m only 13 years old. I’m an artist and I enjoy drawing, writing,

computers and other creative stuff. I’ve always loved Pixar and I wanna work for them one day.
