The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

Heh, thanks Mitch - although I do have to remind myself occasionally that pride is one of the seven deadly sins

:wink: I guess it’s just my passion for learning that’s talking. :slight_smile:

CountSolo - Heheh –

don’t mention it.

And don’t feel too bad – one of my worst habits is showing off, so I’m at an

all-time low. (snigger) Learning, on the other hand, should never be abandoned. Good for you for striving to

learn more. :wink:

And now, I believe I should get back on-topic – heheh.

Well CountSolo, you might’ve

been here for a while, but I will still say it. Hello, welcome to Pixar Planet.


It’s me, EV!!! Elastiviolet!! I’m here!!! DElf4242 is chatting

with me on MSN currently…and he gave me the link here. To my friends from I-K/Luxo…it’s awesome to be

seeing you guys again! To new people…hey, nice to meet you!! :slight_smile:

I’m 14 years old, a freshman in high

school, and currently taking Italian I. I just love that language!! Parli italiano?


I’d just

like to say, it’s nice to be back. If you remember me, hey, come give me a



Elastiviolet! I remember you! Long time no see! Welcome to the new Pixar forums!

Hi , i don’t know you , but i’m guessing i soon will .



to see you here, EV! :smiley: And you’re quite welcome. Hope to see you around plenty!

Welcome to Pixar Planet, Elastiviolet :slight_smile:

Yeah welcome to Pixar Planet Elastiviolet.

Welcome to the planet of Pixar,

Elastiviolet! It’s nice to have you here! I love your screen name, by the way.


[b]Welcome to

Pixar Planet Elastiviolet![/b]

Hey everyone, I’m Elastigirl- but please call me EG.

I’ve been a part of PixarPlanet

since before it was PixarPlanet, I actually joined i_kronos (the forerunner of PP) on the 27th of December

2004… back when I was 14… and before Dash =)

I’m 16 and in my final year of High School… studying

Software Development and design (along with other things) so hopefully I can be of some use to the Mods!

Welcome to Pixar Planet EG! :smiley:

Welcome to the wonderful planet

of Pixar, Elastigirl! It’s good to have you here.

By the way, did you create

that avatar? 'Cause it rocks… :smiley:

Hey Elastigirl. I remember you from IK. Welcome.

Welcome, Elastigirl! :smiley:

Hello I am Heimlich, the

catterpillar. I just joined earlier today. Im a huge fan of Pixar. I hope to work there someday.

Welcome to Pixar Planet, Heimlich! I

hope you enjoy your stay here and have a great time. :wink:

Hello Hiemlich! Welcome!

Hey, Heimlich! Welcome to Pixar

Planet, and I hope you enjoy your stay. :smiley: