…and so it came to pass that the gentle rays of the moon dipped down upon a once hushed patch of town in California, and smote upon an adolescent figure the gift of vigilance and labor.
The figure oscitated, exercised her seemingly frail, yet sturdy, limbs by way of an almighty stretch, blinked away a bout of sunlight that stung her oak-tinted/-colored pupils, and slid off a healthy array of sheets that littered her three-foot high bedstead. It came as less-than-a-surprise that paper upon paper of due homework cluttered her brain, and she realized that her prefered website of choice (and the members who resided within its depths) would have to wait while she carried out her prolonged hiatus…
Long though the days may have been, the rat enthusiast refused to believe that the posts on Pixar Planet were pilling up like a storage of food in an ant’s nest. Needless to say, the youngster-at-heart, whom was close to kissing maturity, was laden down with homework, general tasks, and other various business that needed attending. Slowly, and unsteadily, the days dragged on, until almost two weeks passed before she finally managed to type the words “Pixar Planet” in the online search engine…
The moral of the story? Hiatuses suck.
Yes, I have once again been abscent, but the fact of the matter is that I have been gone too long this time around. Truth be told, I’ve been doing my best to find some free time to come on here, and it wasn’t until this evening that I managed to access Pixar Planet at my leisure.
As you may have guessed, I have been…extremely busy as of late. I’ve been so busy, as a matter of fact, that it’s not even funny, man. Sure, I love the work, but I did mention that, if I didn’t appear on this website for some time, I would only be gone for a maximum of two days. Alas!, look what happens…
I’m eternally sorry, dudes. Really, I am. I don’t even feel worthy to tred upon this forum board… I’m serious! I was gone for so long that it sucked. Well, I’m back…again. Sorry for the hiatus, guys. Thankfully, I haven’t had to edit many posts, so that takes some weight off of my shoulders…
Administrators/Moderators: Yep, I’ll still do my utmost to carry out my moderating duties. Once again, I apologize for my neglecting the forum boards.
I missed you guys and I don’t like to leave for long periods at a time! Really, I love you all. You guys are like a second family to me…
Sooo, to everyone who understands my predicament, thank you. To everyone who doesn’t, my butt is still available for slapping. (snigger)
– Mitch