The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

Otune & tsutshiya: Welcome to Pixar Planet.

Hi, I’m Cheez764. I’m a friend of Mygames19 which i know in real life. I’m the kind of person who wouldn’t log on very much and I know very little about forums so this may be a little bit difficult for me.

Hi Cheez. I don’t know what your talking about.

(Just kidding… :wink: )

Nice to have you at the forums. :slight_smile:

Now you can see the Fangame topic I made XD

Hi Cheez764, pleased to meet you.

I’m content manager on the Wall•e fan game so I’ll see you there!

Welcome Cheez764!!

That is awesome! That’d be so much fun!

Bon de te revoir,! Nice to have you back.

I see you’re an Incredi-fan, annaborjack. Welcome!

And I see you like the Caramelldansen phenom, Jedi Gal. Nice!

laaane, I’m sure you’d do well at animation. You have a stage background, an invaluable experience that you can ‘transfer’ to your characters. Welcome aboard.

We have the son of a Pixarian! Mob him! :smiley: Hello and bienvenue, tsutshiya!

Salutations Otune. Nibbler for president! :slight_smile:

Hello Cheez764! Have a nice stay here, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of the forum business.

Whew! So many new members in such a short leave of absence.

Welcome to the boards, Cheez764! :smiley: Using the forums will get easier and easier as time goes by, so no worries. Hope you have a good time on here!

Welcome back to all of our returning members, and a huge salutations to the newest members of Pixar Planet! :smiley:

JediGal - Goodness knows we need more Star Wars fans on here. Welcome to the boards!

laaane - All the best to you in achieving your goal, both in dance and artistically! :smiley:

tsutshiya - Wow. Your father worked at Pixar? Awesome.

It’s nice to have you here. I hope that you enjoy your stay!

Otune - From one geek to another, welcome to the boards!

Cheez764 - Forum board interaction does take some getting used to, but don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it.

That said, welcome to Pixar Planet! I love your avatar. :wink:

What are you talking about? You have one of the best avatars on here! Seriously, I love it. :wink:

– Mitch

Welcome to everyone new, and welcome back to everyone who has rediscovered PP, since I last visited this thread!

One Movie, Five Views.

Welcome back Mitch. We missed ya.

Hey everyone…

I’m new here, as you probably noticed.

My name is mei, if you want to know how I came to use that screen name, you can ask.

Because most first impressions are made through the introductory post, I’m trying to decide whether to go crazy or be polite.

(so far, it’s polite)

(I can be crazy, believe me. And if I decided to stick around here, you’ll see the crazy side)

…BACK to introducing myself…

This is officially counts…the 9th forum I’m on. I play piano and flute, and I love gymnastics.

Maybe I should say something about pixar, eh? (seeing as this is a pixar forum and all)

The first pixar movie I watched was Finding Nemo, which got me and my brothers introduced into Pixar. The first one we saw in theatres was CARS. My favorite is ratatouille or incredibles (probably because of Brad Bird. imo he’s the best of all of them, but that’s a different story) I don’t claim to be pixar’s biggest fan, cause I’m not. Talk to RishdaTarkaan, he’s my brother. He’s a pixar fanatic.

Ask me any questions you like! I love questions. :slight_smile:

Hello mei.
Yeah, I’d like to know how you got that screenname. You can explain it in the “What’s in a screenname” thread or PM me if it’s a private reason. Or you can just reply it here.
Polite is good. Hope you’re not ‘crazy, crazy’ if you know what I mean. Then again, we could always do with more anarchists here… :wink:
So you love gymnastics? Oh, so that explains your avatar then. :slight_smile:
FN was my first in theatres since Toy Story. My first Pixar ‘obsession’ was Cars. Ratatouille was awesome, and is among my top 5.
Maybe you should ask your bro to sign up here? I bet we’d have a lot to talk about!
Hm… as for questions, which country are you from? It’s okay if you’d rather not tell. :slight_smile:

Welcome Mei and also your brother, RishdaTarkaan! Glad to you have you both here! :smiley:

@thedriveintheatre: tehe, I discovered the “what’s in a screenname” thread a bit after I posted that one :blush: I put the explanation of my username there :wink:

Actually, my craziness really depends on the threads that allow it. :stuck_out_tongue: From what I’ve seen since I’ve been here, there aren’t a whole lot of 'em. So, I guess you get the nice mei, and not the crazy one :wink:

Absolutely! gymnastics is the best sport out there :smiley:

My brother is on here - his screenname is RishdaTarkaan. :wink: ech, that would be bad if it was his real name :confused:

I don’t mind - I’m from the USA. :smiley: What about you?

The Star Swordsman - Thanks! :smiley:

mei - Welcome to Pixar Planet! I love your screen name. And, yes, gymnastics are awesome. :wink:

– Mitch

Welcome to the boards, mei, and also your brother, RishdaTarkaan! :smiley:

Welcome to Pixar Planet Mei.

I used to do gymnastics but I wasn’t all that good at it.
Plus I get bored easily. Come to think of it I used to do a lot of things until i got distracted…

I welcome you to Pixar Planet mei.

Welcome to paradise Mei! lol, anyways welcome!

It’s nice to be so welcome here :slight_smile:

Only a couple forums I’ve been on have given such warm welcomes. (I’m on like, 10 :astonished: )