The most under-appreciated Pixar film

Then we’re both kooky :smiley: I get kinda sad/angry when there’s jokes about Disney or Pixar. And woah, no he didn’t!!! Katz, why?

Yay!! You’re like me? I’m glad I’m not alone in the crazy boat. :smiley:

I really don’t understand those voting Cars ;x

Sorry guys, and there are so many fans here so it’s a natural impulse to think your fandom deserves so much more. But honestly there are so many fans everywhere. Some members have already admitted that they see there is a large fan base and maybe the others don’t see what I see- But working professionally in children’s entertainment for the past five years I’ve seen more kids sporting CARS than anything else. Just today this kid came up to take a picture after my show with The Count and Abby Cadabby and she had Cars CROCS! Blew my mind. And besides Toy Story and Cars I don’t see Pixar selling any other movie themed Silly Bandz.

Cars came out in 2006 and still it SELLS, SELLS, SELLS. I know they make Ratatouille lunch boxes but have never seen anyone with one and I never saw them on the shelves at WalMart. Because I’m with kids 24-7 I’m always striking up Disney related conversations with them and Cars is THEE favorite Pixar movie, always. Rarely does a kid say Toy Story 3 or Up. It’s so mainstream even this long after it’s release, and I don’t know how something that popular can be considered under appreciated. Maybe that’s just me because I have to put up with too many Mater quotes a week than I can handle. That’s like saying High School Musical is under appreciated. To this day their brands and logos are popping up, following me, you can’t escape it. I feel like right now Cars is one of the least under appreciated.

My vote is A Bug’s Life.

gazelle:Ok,those are kids,but as far as the older audience,you can’t deny that it’s wrongfully,under-appreciated.How many people do you see complaining,and moping on Cars compared to Bugs Life?You can not truly say Cars is not under-appreciated just because a bunch of kids wear CARS stuff :neutral_face: .A lot of people use that argument but it’s not a strong one,besides most kids(unfortunatly)like Mater… :angry: :unamused:

If we take what you’re saying to be correct, CarsLuver- that children may appreciate Cars, but adults don’t always- then surely a film like A Bug’s Life which is both under-appreciated by children and adults alike, is overall less appreciated?

Yes but not as much as Cars.The diffrence is people actually say they hate Cars,Bugs Life people may not not like it,but it’s not as intense.People go all out on Cars,the hatred is more intense…

In my opinion which one is outwardly hated most does not make it under appreciated. When people say ‘I don’t like Cars’ usually (if their opinion is valid) they’ve seen the film. No one talks about A Bug’s Life. To say they like or hate it. It’s like it’s just… gone. Like LG said, at least someone likes Cars… And it’s hard to forget, it’s everywhere. Even people who haven’t seen it can’t avoid seeing it’s merch all over the place. A Bug’s Life? Forgotten. And under appreciated.

Now,that you say it I don’t see as many Bugs Life videos on Youtube as Cars,but I’d rather have that than for someone to be yapping about how much they hate it …of calling it "The worst Movie ever"or things of that sort…

Gazelle: I totally see what you’re saying. It is true that next to Toy Story, Cars is the most sucessful Pixar film in a francise sense. Infact, take that back. Not just for Pixar, but for Disney in general. Which makes so much sense, because before, there wasn’t much of a specific franchise aimed at boys (like there was Disney Princess francise for girls).**** Cars defintaly is EVERYWHERE in the parks, take Disney’s California Adventure for example, Cars is getting it’s own theme park.

However, in my opinion, Cars is very underrated as far as the adult audeince goes. All my friends, who are very aware of the animation world and are major cartoon fans, dislike Cars, saying that it’s too “childish” and “boring”. Many adults rave for Up and Ratatouille, however usually leave Cars in the dust.

IMO A bugs life is the most underrated, while Cars is the second most, from an adult pespective

****( I don’t want to hear anyone complain about me generalizing merchandice for certain genders or accuse me of being sexist. From Disney’s perspective, Disney Princess francise is more aimed for girls, while Disney’s Cars francise is more aimed for boys. That isn’t to say boys can’t like DP and girls can’t like Cars.)

I’m afraid I have to agree with this 100 percent. I grow so very tired of seeing Cars here, Cars there and Cars everywhere when I see kids who are Pixar fans or the fact that Cars has to feature somewhere on almost every bit of Disney marketing that isn’t for a specific film. The fact it’s getting its own theme park as well…hardly under rated. That’s just me though.

I see your point. It is over merchandised.

In Disney Store’s where I am the only PIXAR stuff other than Cars is Toy Story. (that’s understandable of course :wink:) Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a PIXAR Store (where you could even get Luxo Jr. for a lamp :smiley:)

So Cars is over-merchindised(with most of it being Mater and Lightning by the way) is that a sin?So it sells with kids shrugs that means nothing.You wanna see over-merchindised and over-hyped look at Shrek…I really think saying Cars is not under-rated because it sells merchindise is very unreasonable and makes no sense whatsoever…Besides most of it is Mater stuff anyway,so blame Mater not the whole movie… :confused:

It does matter, sorry >< It definitely contributes to this debate. And as far as Shrek goes, it may have been pushed and pushed and pushed but I don’t see anyone advertising their appreciation for it. Parents and kids alike are covered in Cars.

What character is being marketed really doesn’t hold reason to say it’s less or more appreciated. No one’s blaming anything or anyone for anything. I’m not sure what you mean about Matter and the movie and such when we’re talking up it’s success ;x

It is unfair to judge by the merchandise, especially as it’s a more recent film than A Bug’s Life or Monsters Inc. But if we tried to make the playing field even then this doesn’t become a real debate, it becomes hypothetical. So we have to look at everything as it is, and where it stands right now is that people everywhere are showing their appreciation for this film with it’s merchandise. I mean, that’s why I wear Darkwing Duck and Toy Story shirts. They say Hey I appreciate this. So it really does say something about a franchise’s success when you see a supply and demand situation like Cars.

You can think something you love deserves more love than it’s getting without thinking it’s the most under appreciated. Unfortunately haters speak louder than lovers sometime. Just because the noise is everywhere doesn’t mean the love isn’t still walking around. …It definitely is, haha. Everywhere.

You can’t deny that there is mad love for Cars, no matter who’s doing the loving and how. But let me know if you see anyone, any of those 8 year old boys, wearing Flik crocs. A Bug’s Life no longer reaches any targets.

I have to agree with everything said by gazelle and Leon in regards to the over-merchandised Cars. Not underappreciated. Just not always appreciated by those who tend to hold higher standards for the films they watch. :confused:

I too am voting for A Bug’s Life. It has a beautifully touching story, incredible character designs and personalities, and no one really gives it the time of day it deserves.

little chef

You know the most annoying thing is that people say Cars is loved by a lot of people as a green light to water it down sort of speak.When I come to the movies I come to enjoy myself not critique it on it’s flaws.It’s very snooty-like.I honestly don’t see why humans have to pry,label,and crtique things…That’s the problem with humans today… You guys talk as if Cars is some kinda slouch of a film,which it’s not…

Wellllll we’re not talking like that now x] We’re talking about how successful it is! :smiley: Or at least that it’s not the least loved… That’s a pretty good compliment still.

You know, that’s not what was being done at all.

They were talking about the solid fact that people do like Cars, plain and simple. They were using examples of the mass marketing and merch of said film to illustrate their argument. It’s called debating, and it’s enjoyable when it’s done right. Which, for the most part, it is being done right, in this conversation. :wink:

And humans pry, label, and critique because they’re human. You’re generalizing a few voices spoken here into the entire population of the human race, and that’s not right. We’re not attacking it, necessarily… just stating all the reasons why we believe it is not under-appreciated.

Another thing - if nothing gets critique, then nothing will get better. I can say that from experience. People critique my artwork all the time, and if they didn’t do that I would never know the areas in my drawing where I was weak and needed improvement. Critique is healthy, just not when it’s being abused… which it most certainly isn’t in this case.

And who was critiquing it in this discussion, anyway? We’re talking about the success of the movie and its merchandise! :stuck_out_tongue:

little chef

Yeah,I’m talking about in general…So if you guys say Cars is not the most un-appreciated…ok I don’t get it if the majority of people hate Cars(which they do)that dosen’t make Cars the most under-appreciated? :~o

No, because the majority of people don’t hate Cars. (“Hate” is a really strong word, and I wouldn’t use it to describe the opinions of people who don’t necessarily like it as much as you guys do.) You’re only narrowing it down to a few of the people here that do, and possibly one or two that may have said so in real life. That doesn’t automatically make a majority - look at all the fans here on PixarPlanet. I believe they outnumber those who ‘hate’ it. Plus, you can’t generalize based on a few opinions, you really can’t. You’d probably be better suited to taking an internet-wide poll or real-life poll to hit on a larger amount of people, thus you’d get a more accurate result before saying that “most people hate it”. But of course, you can’t do that, so the best thing is to say “it seems like most people hate it”, because you don’t know for sure.

Anyhow, getting back to my point… gazelle also touched on the fact that people love it in one of her posts:

little chef