The most undesired Pixar sequel

I would be receptive to a Bug’s Life sequel. Who knows? I’d like to believe Pixar would do a fine job on any story they continue, but for the most part I think they’ve exhausted their current repertoire. I definitely cannot see a Finding Nemo sequel, and the rest would be really stretching it (beyond the Monsters, Inc. prequel). For me, it’s really cool to see the original stuff they come up with, and how they can make you love something you never thought you’d watch. :smiley:

I have no rights really saying what movie Pixar should or shouldn’t make. They’re the masters of these stories afterall. But in my opinion any more Pixar sequels to me is undesired. We have Toy Story 3, Cars 2, and Monsters University all in the span of 3 years.I’d like to see more original movies before they decide to jump back to sequels.

Well, now it’s a span of 4 years, since they moved Monsters University back.

Oh yes, I forgot about that.

There actually is one sequel that Pixar could make that…well, it would make me so happy I’d stop being miserable. I’d really have something to look forward to, sort of how I felt before seeing TS3.

But I don’t really want them to announce one for Up, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, or ABL. In that order.

I have to admit I wouldn’t really want a sequel to many of Pixar’s films but I went for Finding Nemo 2 as I just think it would be the most difficult to do well as the original really was wrapped up.
As far as Cars 2 is concerned I really don’t think it’s going to be that bad, and just because Pixar has pumped out more merchandise for these films than the others, that’s nothing to say that the story and the animation still won’t be good. Planes however, well… even I have to admit that’s a step to far IMO.

I put A Bug’s Life. If anything, I’d rather see more of the characters in the other movies than in this, so it got my vote. Really, I don’t want a sequel to any of those though. Let’s just keep it to original movies please!!

Too late for that. Even though we know that Pixar has an original movie coming after Monsters University, we do not know what it is yet. And the Lee Unkrich one probably is original too. But Pixar has not failed to make a good sequel yet, and they’re not likely to do so anytime with the known films coming up. Why not trust them to make good movies instead of demanding original films only?

One nice thing about a sequel is that you already know the characters. Thus, the story can jump right in without having to introduce you to anyone. In the beginning of Toy Story, they need all the main toys to say something as fast as they can so that you know what their personalities are. In Toy Story 2, that wasn’t necessary, because we already know the personalities of Woody and the rest, even Buzz, whose true personality we didn’t encounter till the end of the first film, but for plot necessity. Jessie’s character was needed to be known, though, and Prospector’s and Bullseye’s…though since Bullseye is a non-vocal animal, the only thing one needs to know is that he is loyal.

In the third one, we know Jessie’s personality and we can proceed from there without any time needing to be spent on that. Instead, the introducations are focused on new characters.

I guess no matter what, there will be introductions. But sequels are nice when you love the characters. I do not EVER want the Toy Story stuff to finish, at least not as long as the voice actors are alive…I mean, the ones Pixar doesn’t want to replace. So I am glad they are making Toy Story Toons, even if Toy Story 4 might never happen.

In a way, I agree with Lover_Of_Fiction, in that you know the characters and, you’re right, Pixar hasn’t made a bad sequel (I’m expecting Cars 2 to be awesome, although that might be…dangerous).

Having said that, theres always something nice about having a fresh group of characters and delving into the unknown. If you can criticise the Toy Story series for anything at all, then the sequels follow pretty much the same path as the original, y’know, Woody loves Andy, Woody gets lost, bad things happen, Woody gets found again. Pixar are so imaginative with their stories though, that, providing you go in spoiler free, you’re often suprised. Like, it was surprising when WALL-E found humans on the ship, it was surprising when all of those talking dogs and Muntz’s backstory appeared in UP. I like being surprised!

Yes, Lee has acknowledged this his film is an original one.

I don’t mind sequels, but 3 in like 4 years? I’d perfer it to be more spread out. But Pixar are the geniouses in the subject, not me!


[size=50]I don’t want another Incredibles.

hides in the bunker[/size]

I don’t want another anything. But If I had to choose one, it’d be the Incredibles. And it’s probably because I don’t have that close an attachement to the film. Also, the ending wasn’ perfectly wrapped up, as say Up or Toy Story 3.

See, I just don’t get that. For me, the characters I am the most attached to are the ones I want to see more of.

Life is a story; we have events around us close perfectly all the time, but the people who were a part of them don’t just vanish. They keep living, and they find new adventures. Good closure on a film doesn’t spell a definitive end for me.

I really don’t like Pixar to make any sequels. I love seeing new characters and new environments. Pixar can keep making Toy Story as long as it has heart because those characters are timeless. If I was to choose one film I wouldn’t want to see a sequel for I would choose Bug’s life.

Personally, IMO, a sequel to anything but The Incredibles, or maybe, a Cars 3, would be a horrible idea. Most of that is just because those are the only ones I would want to see, but also, a Wall-E 2? Up 2? I mean, nothing else can really be sequel-ed well, at least.

It’s not that I don’t trust them at all. I never had a doubt about their ability to make a great sequel. It’s more that I prefer to see new things, and people, and places, so I have more to fall in love with. Like, I already love the TS characters. But I want to have more characters to love, and I love when a story is wrapped up perfectly in one movie. Up was perfection for me, and I would just love original movies like that to be pouring out of the studio more than sequels shrugs

I would be a little hesitant if I heard Pixar would do a sequel to Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Up, WALL-E, And Ratatouille.

TBH, I guess I’m kinda turned off of an Incredibles 2 by the fandom. I know it isn’t fair to let a fandom effect my opinion of the original canon but… every. single. time a new Pixar sequel is announced, a bajillion people start whining about how it’s not a sequel to The Incredibles, like TI is the only Pixar film worthy of a sequel. I guess I’ve harbored a bit of animosity; like I don’t want to give that segment of the fandom what they want because how rude they’ve been. I’m sorry to the sane TI fans who don’t deserve that attitude from me.

Then again, if TI got a sequel, maybe it’d get the whining to stop. But between the whining and the number of critics that compare everything to The Incredibles, I think I’m hyped-out. ._.

Which is sad, because TI is a great film. Yes, it’s at the bottom of my Pixar classification list, but seeing how I pretty much love every Pixar film, that’s not nearly as bad as it seems to imply.

I personally don’t think, from an objective POV, that there other Pixar movies left in need of sequels. :frowning: That is the only one with a distinctly open-ended plot. That, and I’m sorry to apply your dislike of that fandom to myself, but I do want one really really bad. 8D Sorry if I sound silly, but if an Incredibles sequel was made, an entire part of my life would be complete.

Me too IV. In fact, every time Pixar is about to announce a new project, I’m always hoping for a TI2.