The Muppets (2011)

Oh, great. I’m looking forward to this movie, and no one knows if it’s ever coming to theaters in Russia. :neutral_face:
“I hate all this uncertainty”, to quote Rex.

That bit from the song is sure uplifting :slight_smile: Makes me want to see The Muppets more.

Hopefully, this movie will be great as I’m going to see it sometime soon.

Gosh, the hype is here

I’ve only heard great things about this film, some people are also concidering one of the best movies of the year

Can’t wait to see it

I’m a member of the nostalgic Team Kermit,hehe :smiley:

I can’t explain how much I’m looking forward to this tomorrow. It’s one of the things that got me through this past week.

Today is the BIG DAY, the film is out

Sadly, I’ll have to wait `till next month to see it, :frowning:

I’m going to the first showing today! I’m so excited!

have fun, and tell us how you enjoyed it

I can’t wait to see this! :slight_smile:

I stopped following Rotten Tomatoes a long ago, but I checked it out right now and look what I found:

And The Oscar goes to:

I’m seeing the 1 o’clock show today (it’s noon right now) so excitement in my heart right now <3 I can’t wait!

Tell us how it is please ^.

Just got back from seeing it. I have never had more fun at the movies. If you’re going to see it, keep your eyes open for celebrity cameos through the roof!

Okay, I’ll probably see it some time.

I’ve admired Jason Segel since “Freaks and Geeks” and even Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which I, probably inappropriately, watched the night before seeing The Muppets), and I also like the Muppets on top of that. This was a good effort, methinks. Cute little songs, cute jokes, cute story, and a somewhat refreshing revival of a beloved group of characters. I wouldn’t call it the best movie of the year, but it’s probably one of the best Muppet films. I think I would have made it longer to avoid being a little chaotic and so it could have better pacing. I also could have done without seeing Chris Cooper rap. :laughing:

I plan on watching this next week. I’m excited to see this movie, but I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of Amy Adams. But we’ll see.

I’m not a fan of Amy Adams either. I will go and see it sometime.

The version on the soundtrack is a lot longer and it actually explains why [spoil]he hates The Muppets so much.[/spoil]

Also, I heard that the original ending was different. Apparently, instead of [spoil]The Muppets coming up millions short of their goal, they were originally only supposed to be $1 short, and Statler and Waldorf were supposed to say “That wasn’t so bad after all,” and toss down a dollar from the balcony.[/spoil]

And last but not least, [spoil]In the original ending, the bowling ball doesn’t give Tex Richman brain damage and cause him to relinquish the studio and the naming rights. Instead, the hit with the bowling ball “would knock loose the block that kept Tex Richman from laughing.” It’s why you can see him laughing in the end credits and why he says at the beginning that he was a big fan of the Muppets as a kid.[/spoil]

Only a month to go!

Just a question for those who have seen it. How many times does Statler and Waldorf appear in the movie?

From what I remember, around twice. It’s a shame, too, because they’re my favorite Muppets.