Hello to you, pixar planet. I’m mikael magnano “starlord” from france and I chose to post in this topic because it is precisely that which I wanted to exchange with you (should you not mind that, of course).
But first of all, I would like to dearly thank the creators of this maestria of a motion picture: In my opinion, there isn’t a single thing wall-e is lacking of. While in france, a lot of people tend to think that motion pictures tend to remain very childish in both their plot and the questions they summon, I for my part think that wall-e churns up a huge amount of questions regarding mostly our identity as humans, and the precise signification of this word.
Actually, I must confess: While I was never disappointed by a pixar film, I find wall-e to be a true epitome of beauty. Actually, It registers to me as so beautiful that it’s almost… Painful While I hope not to shock anyone with this declaration, I was mostly wondering if anyone felt the same here (perhaps that particular pain is actually envy… Which would then justify my questions.
Those questions mostly regard the wall-e and EVE relationship, and It’s pertinence regarding human standards (both sexes of course, which is why I use this word: humans). Even by today’s standards, might that “symbiosis” (mostly based of the will of protecting one another) can be felt and experienced by the average human? or do you think this remains the proper of fiction?
But sorry to monopolise the topic like this: I believe you asked 3 questions. Here are my answers.
1: well, as far as I’m concerned, it all depends of the definition of thinking: I think machines can easily follow orders, but what about the power of decision making? Machines can today make those decisions (in a limited kind of way) but they are based on factors and logic. Yet at some point, EVE decides to set her missin goals apart in order to stay with wall-e out of feelings (which would be considered a “random” factor. Machines surely can’t do this now, as this would demand a form of intelligence not in their possession AS OF NOW, yet what can we say of the future with certainty?
Man is known to “imitate” nature in his creations, even while not realising this: As such, our thought patterns are arranged in a somewhat similar binary language as the one in use in our computers. (an example in austrailia also prove that it was possible to somewhat “interface” a brain with a computer, and as such move the mouse cursor through thought alone. Perhaps a few of you remember that?).
In short, I think that intelligence being a sort of “awakening”, it would be extremely presumptuous of thinking that only biological matter is capable of such feat (especially when our mechanics resemble nature this way). As such I cannot be sure, but I cannot deny. With time, anything is possible.
2: Well, that depends on the outcome of question number one, but in that case, I believe the step to this would be very small: Should a machine achieve develloped intelligence, it would be quite easy out of curiosity, to find those unique traits in other “personalities” which would be then treated according to one’s preferrences. Needless to say, in that case, a machine could devellop a respect for another personnality which it identifies as “unique in a way”, then admiration, fear of losing said personality, and finally… amount to love.
3: It is in such a case that I feel blessed that humanity is so diverse: As such, I clearly think that the answer to said question (involving humanity as a whole) would be no: While some people would perhaps register to that scenario (actually, some do even now metaphorically speaking), others will always think of an alternative. and I find that reassuring.
OK, I’ve finished bugging you for today. Yet I thank you for you time and understanding. And once again, thanks for the wonder you’ve made us witness (even if it remains, to an extent, painful).
best regards to all.