The Wall-E 500 (the ultimate challenge)

Yeah, I know what you mean about that part of the film. It reminds me of the bit in Monsters, Inc. when Sulley saves Boo from the Scream Extractor- it just feels as though a whole part of it has already been done before.

Well done for managing to keep this up! It seems like such a long time ago that you first committed to do this, so to still be doing it is impressive.

Geez, not to brag or anything, but I already noticed that on my third viewing! :laughing:

But, really, I’m happy you’re still going strong with your challenge! You should seriously write a note to Pixar or something so they can give you an interview or mention when (not if) you complete this journey!

Keep on swimmin’! :smiley:

Hey guys! I got my Dell Mini 9 netbook. Me and my brother are working on getting WALL-E on it. It’s hard since it has no DVD drive and the WALL-E DVD’s are so well encrypted. Hm… Ah well. I have nothing interesting to update in my blog really, so I’ll wait for something interesting to happen.


I forgot about your challenge for a while. I still think it’s crazy. I tell people I’ve seen it 18 times and they think I’m crazy. So I have a question, EVEisawsome. What are peoples reaction to your number of views?

I haven’t told anyone outside of the internet.


You are about 25% done EVEisAwesome. Keep it up.

I bet everytime you watch the movie, you see and notice something new right?

Which is probably a good thing… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys. I got some good news, and some bad news. The bad news first…

Well, I’m 9 views behind, which is decent for being the 193rd day. I must admit, truly, that on most occasions these days, I will watch WALL-E while surfing the web. I perch my iPod right next to my computer and listen to it. I make sure the music is loud enough, so I don’t forget about it. I had to admit this, though. I feel pretty bad. So that is my confession.

The good news now. Despite that being said, I still do focus on several parts even when I’m typing documents while watching it. I just love the soundtrack. Also, I do plan on on getting back to focusing solely on just the movie regularly. I wanna have just about every detail memorized. Also, I still love the movie deeply. I watched it on my 52" screen last Sunday and I still got emotional on the sadder parts, and laughed at the funny parts. I have no plans on quitting.

So, that’s it. Thanks for helping me out. BTW- Can someone ask me a question on the movie? Maybe someone could gather a list of questions, and ask me on AIM live so they would know I wouldn’t be cheating? I don’t feel like I know every detail. And my ipod screen does limit some things, so I wouldn’t know super insane background details like you think I would.


Dude, your crazy! I’ve watched it 17 times simply because I’m sick of it. I don’t laugh, cry, or anything anymore. I can’t believe your not sick of it yet. Again I say “Good Luck” :wink:

Thank you. I believe I never get sick of WALL-E because he reminds me of myself. The movie is well layed out (except the repetitive part towards the end.) I guess none of the characters are annoying, and limited words makes it easy to like.

I’d say up until it gets to the Axiom the movie always impresses me. Once WALL-E gets to the Axiom I pretty much just wait for the movie to end. The Axiom part is okay, but not near as good as the beginning. The captain is kinda annoying to me.


I thought you were going to “WATCH” it, not listen to it?

I could NEVER EVER watch amovie that many times in a row! :open_mouth:

He reminds me of myself too, one of the things that made me love the movie so much.

Seriously though, 9 views behind is nothing to be worried about. I think it’s more worrying that you’re 187 views ahead. :laughing:

Isn’t it interesting that we haven’t heard from him for like, 6 months? Did he actually think he could pull this off without melting his brain from watching the movie so many times in a row? :laughing:

I mean, as consumed with this movie as I am, and as consumed as anyone else may be with it, this kind of goal is just unattainable. sadly shakes head

little chef

Haha, yeah, I’d forgotten all about this! Well, I have to say, he got further than I ever would have. :laughing:

Once you watch a movie enough times, you can listen and see all the images in your head. xD

Goodness! :open_mouth: 500 times??! Seriously? (As in shockingly). Wow, you have guts. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve seen Wall-E, but it’s certainly not been 188 times! :laughing:

Well, good luck on this! :wink:

Ha wow, and my friends say I watch WALL-E too much! I wish you the best of luck, and godspeed!

I haven’t noticed this thread before, but good luck on your amazing journey. Since we haven’t heard from you in so long I hope that means you are up to work, but don’t ascend into madness. Just remember why you started this feat in the first place, because Wall-E was so great that you felt you owed something to it and to yourself (or so I’m guessing). It might be near a year before you respond to this thread, but I again wish you fantastic luck in hopes of your completion. If only Pixar knew…

Well, it’s been over 20 months since he/she last posted on this thread (June 2, 2009) and all we know is he saw it at least 188 times in less than 7 months. In fact, that day was the last activity on the entire website for EveIsAwesome. If I had to see Wall-E that many times in a year and a half, it would nearly ruin the movie for me, and it would leave such a bad taste in my mouth for things Wall-E, and maybe I would even have to be committed. Most people who posted here were encouraging, but perhaps some outright discouragement was in order? If you had a friend with 810 spare hours to blow, would you really recommend them doing that sort of thing? Maybe that’s why this person isn’t here anymore… just like people you meet online in computer games and they go way way overboard and sacrifice their jobs, studies, marriage or personal relationships and the game becomes not only the center of their lives, but everything else becomes an irritating distraction and they soon end up imploding: deleting the game from their computer, selling off their hard-earned accounts and completely forsaking all things associated with that unfortunate episode in their lives, and that includes even you.

Why do people admire others who are doing something relatively useless, versus something constructive (or deconstructive, lol) and perhaps even productive, like coming up with fanfic or pixar pics. They are a bright, shining light streaking across the heavens, but are really going down in flames…