The Wall-E 500 (the ultimate challenge)

EVEisawesome, on July 20th of 2010, I will give you a cash reward if you have successfully completed this task by then. However, you’ll need to document it properly. PM me. :wink: Also, if you do complete this, it will most likely be a world record. :exclamation:

I don’t want cash. July 20th? Why then? It comes out November 3rd. I could do it. Yeah, I agree with documenting it. It’ll be hard getting people to believe me. Any ideas?


You could do what this guy did … 0811847721 and possibly take a picture of yourself watching it every time you do.

Or you could try videotaping your voyage… but that would probably use an extreme amount of film.

You could have witnesses! Like family… but they might get bored of it if they don’t think like you…

Well, that’s about all I got. Hope they somewhat help. :slight_smile:

Nevermind, I’ll take cash, haha.

I don’t want family, because they don’t know I stay up late, and they’d get a little curious. Same with using my brothers computer, it’d say “Wall-E- Views- 700” and that would be… Kinda weird. What about if I do an AIM/MSN chat with someone who has prepared difficult questions who only someone who’s seen it hundreds of times could answer. That way I have no clue what I’d be asked, so I couldn’t cheat and prepare ahead of time. you could just look for minor things.


Better yet, why not stream it on stickam… or put it up on youtube… that is, if you have a camera. With stickam, you don’t have to record… which wastes no tape, and everyone can see your struggle! Not that that’s a good thing. :laughing:

Okay, well I’m posting this to prove I stay up late, :stuck_out_tongue: It’d 4:50AM and I’ve already listened to the whole soundtrack. I have 108 days until the DVD is out, w00t! Yeah, I’m a sad individual, :smiley:

To be honest, this site is the only place where I express my fan-ism, so it may be a bit intense, lol. My brother hates it when I do, and none of my friends cared for Wall-E after seeing it.


That’s okay, Eia. That’s what this site is all about! :sunglasses:

Ok, seems to have been awhile since I last posted, :stuck_out_tongue: anyways, yes, I’m still insanely motivated to do this! More than when I started this. I’m busy with life at the moment moving, so… Yeah. I’ll take some pictures of my room, with a Pixar Luxo-ish looking lamp, and my cute Wall-E figures, :stuck_out_tongue:

See ya! Feel free to express anything, and please post, weather you have something to say or not, haha.


Wow, this is insane and a huge goal, but I wish you luck. I’ve seen WALL-E probably close to 10 times now, and I’m already ready to take a break from it until the DVD comes out. I love the movie, it’s my favorite Pixar, but if I watched it that many times I’d probably start to hate it just on principle.

Haha, well I listen to the sound track 2 times on a normal day, but yesterday I listened to it 4 times through, 100%. I’ve heard it I think 50 times. And I’m just beginning to memorize it, :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah, it may take away the emotional feelings a bit after many times, but I want to memorize just about everything, times, when things happen down to the second, and such things.

EDIT- Posted that while listening to 'The Holo-Detector" from the sound track, hehe.


Actually the soundtrack is quite soothing me thinks.
It really flows well and had enough in it to not get boring

i only wish some of them were longer
sticking a song on repeat wont change the restart of the song, which kind of messes up the serenity :confused:
anyways, its a soundtrack to a movie and is perfect for what it was made for

I agree. I’m training my thinking to realize there’s about 20-100 instruments being used in the soundtrack… If I get ones notes and timing down, I move on. Same will be done watching Wall-E 700 times.


Darnit, I thought we were talking fanwork challenge here. puts pen back into holder

Anyways… dude, good luck. Even me, as obsessed as I am, would not do that. I did, however, watch Finding Nemo every day for a month or so though.

Haha nice, yep. Got done moving, have internet. Now… I keep waiting, :frowning: Still excited to do this.


Woah. You’re insane. I like that in a gal! :smiling_imp: Come with me to the underworld and we shall perform the chant of a thousand burning suns! HOORAY FOR INSANITY!

Anyway, the idea of watching one movie that much is a nice idea for The Guinness Book of World Records.

Sorry, guys, I’ve been busy and haven’t gotten to the site. I’m still insanely excited and counting the days. 3 Months!! I’ve been listening to soundtrack through the day as I do school (homeschool), and at night I watch Prest (bought it on iTunes and put it on my iPod nano).

I bought a Wall-E blanket, rofl. It’s awesome, it has Wall-E and EVE on it in space.


Mia: :wink: (lol) I sometimes listen to the WALL•E soundtrack while doing work, but i get distracted because it’s so awesome! :smiley:

Yeah, I’m called Midnaisawesome (MIA) on another forum, so I type MIA thousands of times. Yeah the song WALL-E makes me wanna work, after 2815 AD, haha. Every song has a different emotion…

Still plan on making the big 700!


Wow. Good luck! :smiley: