The Worst Movies Ever!

I thought Cheaper by the Dozen was okay. It’s geared towards a younger audience in my opinion.

Transformers: Revenge of the fallen wasn’t exactly great (but there are some scenes that are tolerable) and Batman and Robin was a waste of my life. Another film I can’t stand is Chicken Little. I don’t know what I don’t like about it, I just really dislike it.

Heh, I remember watching that in the cinemas when it first came out. I found it somewhat enjoyable, but I found the ending really lame and dissapointing.

I hate Chicken Little and B&R, too!!!

As a kid, I enjoyed B&R. There are still some parts that I like about it, even to this day.

Chicken LIttle was very silly, but Disney has done better films.

I don’t remember much of it, as I found it VERY dull, but to me Chicken Little was probably the worst of the Disney animated canon.

I have to re-watch them to swear on it, anyway.

I think it’s a toss up between Chicken Little and Home On The Range, anyway :slight_smile:

Of the two, I preferred Home on the Range, because it had traditional hand-drawn animation and a better storyline. Chicken Little was not universal enough (unless you’re a baseball or B-movie sci-fi fan) and it had a terribly short runtime, which left little time for character development. There was some heart in Chicken Little, but it was poorly executed.

Two of the worst movies I saw last year were Prince of Persia and S*x and the City 2. Of the two, I preferred Prince a little bit more because it had a more epic adventure kind of storyline, but unfortunately it was marred by lacklustre performances, over-the-top CGI, and the cruel killing of a snake for the fun of it.

S*x and the City 2 was atrocious, even by chick flick standards. It was horrendously hedonistic - basically it’s a film about four spoilt New Yorkers who complain about how difficult their life is as wives and mothers, even though they own more fashion accessories and luxury goods than most of us. It’s incredibly insensitive - they make a lot of Arabic puns and jokes, and what should have been an empowering feministic scene at the end came off as patronising to Muslim women. And it was two-and-a-half hours too long. :unamused:

Some of you might remember me making a mash-up trailer of the two movies. If you don’t, just search ‘Prince of the City: The Sands of S*x’ (minus the asterix) and enjoy (I even left a little recommendation at the end to support a certain other movie instead :wink:).

I’ve never seen a Sx and the City movie cause I never saw the series, but I’ve heard they were terrible.

And yes, Prince of Persia was really disappointing, specially by the wait they resolved the ending.

I’ve never seen either one.

Personally, Chicken Little is my least favorite Disney movie ever. Live action, animated, or all of them, that one’s my least favorite.

I personally thought Prince of Persia was okay, but I hated the ending. I haven’t seen any of SatC, movies or show, and I will not. It’s stupid feel good crap for middle aged women. And, IMO, it’s just trash.

Yep, the ending was the worst thing. So anticlimactic…

I perfer Home on the Range over Chicken Little. Home on the Range isn’t that good, but I love the character design and the backgrounds a lot. And Alan Menken provided it with a good soundtrack, but some people don’t like Western or Country music, so I understand.

i hated the ending too. That was the only reason why I left that movie feeling disappointed.

I know! And the worst thing was, my mom told everyone it was “A really good movie, with the perfect ending.” What?!?!?1 The ending ruined the entire movie. It made the entire movie pointless. I hate [spoil]un-do[/spoil] endings. Almost as bad as when the entire thing’s a dream in the end. :confused: In fact, Inception is the only dream-based movie I like at all.

just a qoute:

The Last Airbender won the Razzie Award 2011 for the Worst Film of the year

don’t know if someone posted this before in this thread (TWME)

both Chicken Little & Home on The Range were bad, but not the worst out there

It’s a shame, because I loved the TV series. They just made a right pig’s ear out of the film. What makes it even more of a shame is that I actually liked Dev Patel in Skins and Slumdog Millionaire aswell.

I actually thought Dev patel was the only good thing about the last airbender movie. Everything else was a disaster.

I agree! And I hate those shopaholic movies… they encourage a consumerist culture, which is only speeding us towards Wall-E’s future.

SoA, TSS, and IV, I too hated the Prince of Persia ending, if only because the [spoil]Princess dies[/spoil] in the first alternate reality… it got really depressing with all the Prince’s friends dying off, and his ‘redemption’ wasn’t satisfying enough.

If you thought that was a horrible 'It’s all a dream ending", wait till you watch Nicholas Cage’s Next, which was adapted from a Philip K Dick story of a guy who can see two minutes into the future. Once you see the ‘twist’ ending… you’ll want to punch the television screen. God, what were the scriptwriters thinking? Did they run a test screening first? :imp:

Very interesting, TDIT. I think I might skip that movie. :stuck_out_tongue: I hate seeing my favorite actors in bad movies.