The Worst Movies Ever!

I actually think Kick A** was a great film. It was violent, granted, but not truly in the disturbing side (wait until you see some other films with reaaaaaal gore)

But anyway, I’m aware a lot of people can feel offended by this. So yes, it’s not a film for everyone, but obviously not one of the “worst movies ever”. You need universal panning for that, and this movie got very good reviews.

I agree with Spirit. It defintely isn’t for everyone. I even got queezy by all the violence.

But I thought it was a great film overall. It was funny, had an interesting plot, and the direction was awesome. I haven’t seen it for over a year, it’s time for a rewatch!

Wh- not disturbing? It was the single most disturbing thing I have ever seen! …I was mostly grossed out by all the graphic deaths/violence that occurred and the high amount of profanity… I can’t really take stuff like that.

I can understand why people like it though and I respect those opinions, but I can’t watch those kinds of movies without running out crying. I’m quite sensitive. If anyone dies in movies, I cry. Honestly. I don’t mind it as much with animation, but…

I cry too easily honestly…

Which is why I say you have a lot of movies to watch yet. Then you’ll see this one is relatively tame.

Speaking of disturbing…I’m not sure if this is the worst movie but it looks pretty bad. My friends showed me the trailer for it and I would not want to watch it…the movie I’m talking about is “The Human Centipede”. :open_mouth:

Exactly. THAT’S a disturbing movie. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to watch that. And yes, it’s pretty bad.

Ohhh yeah, the previews were bad enough. I heard they were making a sequel for it too but I don’t know if that’s true or not. I think I’m going to steer clear of it though. :confused:

Eragon I thought was a terrible movie compared to the book. They made the film so bad they can’t even make a sequel to the film.

Interesting, it seems like we’re in a similar bout – a lot of live action deaths bother me, but never quite as much with animation.

I do find this interesting, though, since we both like Conker’s Bad Fur Day, which contained gratuitous amounts of gore, profanity (the worst of which is censored) and some raunchy behavior. That almost always bothers me, but not so much with Conker, somehow. Maybe because it isn’t realistic? Maybe because it’s with cartoon animals? But even still, there are parts of the game I refuse to look at for the graphic deaths (exaggerated and unrealistic, however). The part where the catfish get eaten gave me a nightmare. :neutral_face:

Maybe it’s because, even if I ready myself for it, I’m still not as mentally prepared to watch a cute, 64-bit squirrel get blown or chopped to red chunks, so it shocks me more, and the shock value is what makes the deaths in that game really disturbing and gut-wrenching. I’ve never seen Kick-*ss though, so I can’t understand your plight 100%, unfortunately. :frowning:

I really liked Kick-A** :slight_smile:

Now THAT film is terrible :neutral_face:

Human centipede is a parody of actual horror movies from what I’ve heard, not really meant to be an actual gore film.

Now, if you’d like an example of a gory film which has been horribly mistaken as a Children’s movie, then look no further than Pan’s labyrinth. The violence includes a graphic portrayal of a warning [spoil]nose being smashed in by a bottle, a monster which eats children and has eyes in his hands, and general violence[/spoil]. And the best part is that parents took their children to see the movie, since it involves fairies, and magic!

Thats a good example, Methuselah!
Another one that got mistaken I think was 9. I loved that film, but it was not a kids film at all. Lots of death and violence and dark stuff, but because it was animated people assumed it was for kids… :unamused:

I don’t know if Human Centipede was made as a parody, but that doesn’t mean it’s less disgusting.

As for confusing films like Nine and Pan’s Labyrinth for children’s films, that’s the parents fault. They should always watch the trailers and consult parental guides on the Internet before taking the children to theaters.

Human Centipede DOES still seem disgusting, though. :open_mouth:

I saw Pan’s Labyrinth, my sister was livestreaming it with a friend who’d seen it before. She knew all the exact spots where it got messy and advised us in time to look away, so I was unphased by whatever violence the movie may have contained. I thought it was beautiful, and kind of sad. But I’m sure if I did look during those parts, my impression wouldn’t be as happy. :open_mouth:

Yeah, I don’t mind Conker as much because it’s in 64-bit and highly cartoony. That seems to bother me less than full-blown graphic detailed deaths in live action.

But really, Conker is like the only thing rated M of which I’m not creeped out by, along perhaps a few games on the Xbox 360 a friend of me showed me a while ago. And some more stuff which I forgot.

There’s a lot worse movies you all say? … now I’m scared. :open_mouth:

Well, I looked up some of the stuff in Kick-*ss, and I must say I am thoroughly disturbed. :open_mouth:

I’m sure The Human Centipede is worse, though. But it’s horror as opposed to action, so that’s kind of natural.

I’ve actually never seen Human centipede before.

The Human Centipede sounds downright sick. I understand it’s just a film, but the whole concept is just sadistic and crude. That’s the way I see it.

Well, The Fairly Odd Parents Movie wasn’t that terrible until the ending. If you know alot about the show, its just ridiculous how it ended. [spoil]The fact that Timmy is allowed to reveal that he has fairy godparents to Tootie[/spoil] was just weird to me.

I realy hated The Last Airbender. They killed it.