The Worst Movies Ever!

I know, isn’t it just. Apparently the longest title is for a movie called Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh-Eating Subhumanoid Zombified Living Dead, Part 3. … itles-ever

Haha! That’s awesome! 8D

I thought film-makers had learned their lesson from the horror that is Home Alone 4, but now they’re making a fifth one this year that’ll air on ABC Family. Great.

Are you serious?? I only like the first 2.

So do I. Well I actually like 3 as well. Although it lacked Macaulay Culkin, it did have some of the charm. At least the traps were good. The traps in Home Alone 4 were downright lame and there wasn’t even enough of them.

Well, I only like the first two because it bothers me when there are different people.

My favorite worst movies to watch are the tacky beach teenage movies from the 1960s. With the corny dance movies, cheesy romance, and extremely random and insipid plots.

I’ve heard of them. Are you talking about movies like Beach Party? Yes, they were cheesy but teenagers liked that kind of stuff back then. Those movies were always made to appeal to the teenage drive-in market.

I’m not sure about that one. I’m only familiar with the few that silent Film Star Buster Keaton did (He was in his 60s when he stared in them! But yes, like Beach Party Bingo and Pajama Party.

Back on the subject of Mystery Science Theater. I have seen The Creeping Terror episode. That movie is bad. The monster (like many people have said) looks like a bunch of carpets sewn together. What I don’t understand is that it moves really slow yet no one bothers to run away from the thing. They even have to climb into the monster’s mouth in order to get “eaten”. It’s really pathetic.

That dreadful live-action Cat in the Hat movie.

I saw that. That was pretty bad I have to say.

Yeah. I was surprised with all the innuendos put in the movie. You’d think soccer moms would be complaining.

I haven’t seen that one, but it sounds funny!

Watch it. You will not BELIEVE how awful the movie is.

They have the full one on youtube! Yes!!! :smiley:

Your jaw will drop in it’s sheer awfulness.

That sounds good! 8D

That’s a movie that I see in my nightmares. Yeah, it was horrible. There was only 1 scene that I legitimatly liked.

I’m gonna watch the Monster a-Go-Go episode of MST3K. I have to see how BAD it is after reading the reviews on IMDb.