The Worst Movies Ever!

Unpopular Opinion:

Anastasia (1997)

I wouldn’t say it’s the worst movie, ever, but I just dislike it so much. I do like one song in it.

Firstly don’t like the story or the character designs or the jokes. I also found it dull. I was sitting there thinking “What, what? Why am I still watching this?”

Secondly, I dislike how offensive and insensitive it is. It’s a bastardization of history. Of course, people seeing know that it’s not what exactly happened. There’s a speaking bat for goodness sake. But it’s still presented as a jumping off or based on Russian History. Besides having a Russian princess named Anastasia, it has NOTHING to do with anything. Extremely misleading. For historians and history buffs it’s extremely frustrating.

Also It’s downright disrespectful. The whole thing was so sugar coated. Come on, a whole family was murdered here. Sure, the Tsar was living in wealth while his people were starving. It’s atrocious. But it’s horrible that he and his family were murdered and thrown in a ditch.

I’ll quote Historian Bob Atchison: “This retelling of Anastasia is like making a movie where Anne Frank moves to Orlando and opens a crocodile farm with a guy named Mort.”

If you like this movie, that’s totally okkay, I dont’ care, you can like what you want. I just want to say what I think of it.

Anastasia to me doesn’t sound that bad. I may have seen parts of it in primary school. I respect your dislike for it though. The talking bat was called Bartok. He even had a movie based entirely on him which was Bartok the Magnificent.

I love that movie, but I see your frustration when it comes to the unaccurateness to the real story.

I don’t generally care too much about historical accuracy in films, because I understand a lot the need of artistic licenses, and this picture isn’t based on the actual facts but in the Ingrid Bergman film of the 50’s, in turn based on the Anna Anderson case, which did happen.

But I can understand how it can hurt some people’s feelings.

Usually I’m more chill about historical inaccurices in movies. I get it, it can’t be perfect, liscense has to be taken.

But for me, in this case, it was unexceptable. A whole family was murdered. There was no happy ending. It should of never been twisted into a family movie.

Hobgoblins has to be one of the most ridiculous films I’ve seen. I watched it on MST3K last night and I could not believe what I was seeing. Fake looking creatures, cheesy music, heavy use of stereotypes, bad attempts at comedy and the worst fight I’ve ever seen in a movie. Two guys are fighting each other in a front garden with garden tools JUST to impress some girls. If I was a girl, I’d find both of them embarassing.

The WORST scene however has to be at the nightclub when the army guy gets set on fire for a minute after being blown up by a grenade. You’d think he’d have died but he turns out to be alive near the end of the movie. Jesus, I know it’s not meant to be taken seriously, but that makes no sense at all. I wonder if I’d find the uncut version just as unintentionally hilarious as I did with the MST3K version.

I think this thread should stay alive.

That was a great episode! What a ridiculous movie! 8D

Oh my god. People, whatever movie you think is the worst, you haven’t seen nothing yet. Just watch some clips from Birdemic: Shock and Terror: … re=related

The special effects are some of the most laughingly bad excuses from special effects I’ve ever seen. The “attacking” birds and other “special effects” are just cheap crappy GIF animations plastered onto the picture. They don’t even look like they’re attacking people and no one can act like they’re getting attacked. Laughable.

This hasn’t been released yet but I can already tell that this movie will be awful.

What the hell is that? That is just… creepy. I know it’s aimed at kids but…man.

I don’t really have any comment about that. Apparently, that trailer was attached to Brave.

Yikes. I’m just hoping I never see that when I go to see Brave.

That HAS to be a parody! 8D

Looks like a bad hybrid between The Muppets and Teletubbies.

Just watching the MST3K version of Zombie Nightmare, some slasher flick starring Adam West. I love this movie. It has a bizarre plot around a guy getting resurrected by a voodoo priestess who gets revenge on teenagers who ran him over in a car. It also features a heavy-metal synthesiser soundtrack with music from bands like Motorhead (the song Ace of Spades plays in the opening credits), Girlschool and Virgin Steele. Although I hate how they cut out the gore scenes on MST3K, it’s very enjoyable as far as bad movies go.

I can’t help you there. 8D

I saw that preview at the theater, I think before Madagascar 3, and they played it twice. :cry:

The one main character’s voice really annoyed me. :angry: :~o

omg what is that even?

Thank goodness I didn’t see this either time I went to see Brave. 8D

That one was hilarious! Right now I’m watching The Mole People episode of MST. It takes a little while to get funny. When they go underground, that’s when it gets good. It’s worth watching.