The Worst Movies Ever!

John Carter of Mars, has to be one of the worst I’ve ever seen, Hoodwinked Too is even worse and Ice Age: Contintinental Drift is real awful too.

Boo hiss Ice Age 4 was awesome how dare you grr. lol JK but i just really loved that movie okay

I’m sorry for being an internet hippie but still… there’s just so much negativity in this topic and it makes me a sad badger. D’:

That’s alright^, I’m fine with you liking it, I just didn’t.


Can’t see that image. What is it?

Sorry to double post, but isn’t this just the worst movie monster you’ve ever seen?

Almost. What about the creeping terror?

Oh yeah, that’s definitely worse. At least the one I showed was meant to be silly.

Meant is the keyword there. 8D 8D 8D 8D I love how people basically climbed into his mouth. 8D

That picture is so funny. The people are kissing and it almost looks like he’s jealous. 8D

Haha, yeah. Kind of like a third wheel. :laughing:

Ha! That looks terrible. 8D The monster just ruins the picture.

Hell yeah, they’re just kissing peacefully and it appears out of nowhere and completely ruins the moment. Why I used to be scared of this thing, I don’t even know. :laughing:

And I got a whole bunch of others I covered in two blogs of mine. If you’re up for some really cheesy looking “monsters”, maybe you could have a quick look.

Part 1: … 0-25993946
Part 2: … 0-25994052

I think you mean the BEST movie monster! :laugh: What movie is he from?!

Creature from the Haunted Sea, Roger Corman flick from 1961. Just so you know, the screenshot I used is from a colorized version. The original version is black-and-white. Since the film is in public-domain, you can watch the entire thing on YouTube, though the monster doesn’t appear until the very end.

The monster also appears in the opening credits to Malcolm in the Middle. If you’ve ever seen that show then you’ll most likely be familiar with it.

Honestly, I haven’t seen the movie. But I’ll try to search it in youtube and maybe give some feedback afterwards.

I haven’t bothered watching the entire thing since I heard its mostly boring. I’d only watch it for the Hanna-Barbera style animated opening (featuring a monster that bears little resemblance to the one in the actual movie) and the cheesy but somewhat entertaining monster rampage at the end.

Twilight. It has bad character development, a bad plot, it’s just… ugh :unamused:

I haven’t seen any Twilight movies though I plan not to based on what alot of people say. I’d rather call it Twishi…well I won’t go there.

Oh yeah, and I just uploaded two really bad movies I made in a video game called “The Movies”. I was about 12 or 14 when I made these turkeys. Completely random plots, silly use of text-to-speech software for voiceovers, pointless killing and laughably bad dialogue. Any bad movie fan would not want to pass these up. If you get a laugh out of horrible B-flicks, I sincerely hope you give these movies I made a look and tell me what you think.

Part 1:
Part 2:

I would recommend to you to see Twilight, because even when it’s as bad as people say, you should discover it by yourself.

It will be just a few hours of suffering, but you’ll gain the knowledge to trash it properly 8D

Haha, well I may give it a look just to see how horrible it is, and post a rage about it here.

And yeah, you should all remember to check out those movies I made. I want to hear your thoughts on how bad they are.