The Worst Movies Ever!

You can watch the entire thing on YouTube. I’d give it a look if you can spare the time, it’s hilarious (unintentionally of course) and only lasts about 80 minutes or so…

Ed Wood has a beautiful cinematography. Please don’t watch it on You Tube (or most films, for that matter) :frowning:

I was talking about Plan 9 just so you know. I think it’s in the public domain so you can just watch it on YouTube for free. :laughing:

Ah, ok, ok.

I thought it was Ed Wood. Plan 9 CAN be watched in You Tube 8D

I have to mention Shark Tale and Bee Movie. They’re y least favorite Dreamworks movies, and I think they are superbly terrible.

I’ve heard you mentioning your hate for Shark Tale before. I used to think it was better than Finding Nemo, how silly of me. I think Finding Nemo is superior, it just has more heart and character. Shark Tale is OKAY I suppose, same with Bee Movie.

I find both unbearable. But I can’t enjoy movies made only for comedy. I can’t handle it. And I think they were both designed around the lead actors. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve only seen Bee Movie once and don’t remember it much, but I do like Shark Tale. I can see why you don’t like it, though.

Um…what I will say is I prefer both of those movies to Antz. I don’t care that Antz has a better story. From all that I know so far, it was just made to compete with a much better film (A Bug’s Life <3 !). I’ve never seen Bee Movie, and I’m not that interested, but at least it doesn’t seem like a total rip-off like Antz. However, both Shark Tale and Bee Movie would probably be just above Antz for me, next in line for the bottom of my DreamWorks list. I don’t know why the kids at my school liked Shark Tale more than Finding Nemo when i came out. I’ll always love Finding Nemo <3 as well. I used to think Shark Tale was okay when I was younger, but I think I can see how you like it, Amy. I do think a few aspects are just alright, even if I’m not really a fan of it now.

To me, nothing is really “worse” or “better” when it comes to movies. They are all the same, simply for entertainment. What you may think is “terrible” may be special to someone else.

That’s a good way to look at it. There aren’t many films I actually don’t like, mostly because I don’t bother seeing the films I don’t think I would like. Only if they did not entertain me well. I guess I can just sometimes tell when movie-makers were trying their best to make good scenes in a movie, or if they just didn’t care and chose to be lazy.

Song of the South.

  1. Actually, the animated segments are great. Seriously, they are very good adaptions of the original tales.

  2. It’s racist.

  3. Even if it wasn’t racist, it is still SO BORING. Why are we suppose to care about this kid? Why is his father leaving for nor reason? SNOOOZERS Oh, finally some action, because this stupid kid is rUNNING INTO A BULL PEN Seriously the most insipid little kid ever.

Leirin posted this awhile back:

Does anyone know the title? Cos’ the youtube video has been taken down.

Probably Birdemic 2. Actually, I remember now! It was a movie called The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure. I didn’t remember the title at first so I had to look on IMDb at the lowest rated family films released in 2012. Here’s a trailer, but watch with caution.

I had to watch another trailer to get the bad taste out my mouth.

Has anybody seen Howard the Duck? It’s pretty bad.

Oh God. I think I know what you’re talking about. Someone mentioned it on a blog, and I watched a video about it on youtube. This creepy white duck that lives in the real world or something? Creepy.

The Cat in the Hat: I’m trying to figure out something that I liked, but it’s a real struggle. The script is terrible, adding a lot of awful and juvenile jokes. The acting is horrendous, the set design is an eye sore, and the makeup is absolutely horrifying.

Yeah, it’s a bad movie.

There is only ONE part I like, and legitimately laughed at, and that’s the “Canine American” quote.

There was this MST movie I watched recently where this police guy runs really funny, and I wish I could remember which one that was. It’s worth looking through all of them just to see that part again. 8D

Ah yes, I saw that one a long time ago. Somewhat enjoyable but “meh” at best.

Can’t look that one up. Sounds hilarious though.