The Worst Movies Ever!

I was honestly bored from the beginning, and the part I disliked the most was the fight on the bridge. I kept laughing because all it was was 15 minutes of the main character making sounds that sounded a lot like something else, if you know what I mean 8D

I agree with Geoff. Monsters V. Aliens was silly, but it wasn’t the worst movie of the year. It was very enjoyable.

I liked the first National Treasure, but I fell asleep part way through the second one. :blush:

I liked both and I cannot wait for the 3rd :smiley: ! It’s hilariously stupid, and Nicolas Cage makes me laugh for being, well, Nicolas Cage. 8D

I liked National Treaure as well. I also can’t wait for the third one, when ever it comes out.

I like NT. I don’t really think they’re bad movies, just a little corny. I’m a NC fan, myself. I don’t see why he’s so hated-on.

However, I still don’t see the point of MvA. The main character really bugged me(weird, I usually love Reese Witherspoon!), because she looked like a cross between a character I love, and one I hate. She also seemed very self-centered. I can see the attempt they made to make us sympathize with the monsters, but it didn’t work on me. And the whole movie was kind of dumb. I mean, the only joke I liked was, “I was very brave today! I am a brave president!” 8D I dislike most DreamWorks CGI movies, but this is one of my least favorites, even so. And I think it’s poor quality also. I mean, what was the point? It seemed like there was a moral, but I couldn’t find it.

rock-itpop, I also love Good Burger. It’s really bad, but I think that’s why it’s so enjoyable. Have you seen the Nostalgia Critic review of it? 8D Yeah, that made the movie even better for me. 8D

I grew up watching good burger, so it is very hard for me to say that I hate it now. I still enjoy watching it’s silliness.

I had never heard of it until like last month. o_0 :hides:

It’s been around, ever since I ws a kid.

I know it came out in 1997, but I never heard of it personally until last month. I didn’t watch Nick when I was 2, which is a shame. I missed a lot of good stuff, it seems. :frowning: But I guess most 2 year olds don’t watch TV. 8D

It was quite a popular movie in my family.

Haha, Good Burger! I remember that. Wasn’t it actually an adaption of an Amanda Show skit? Yeah, I love that show. :smiley: The good days of Nick. It doesn’t really matter to me if it’s a “bad” movie, as long as I enjoy it. Not everything has to be Oscar-level material to be good. Like Wayne’s World. 8D

I think it was an All That Skit. And Wayne’s World? That movie is amazingly awesome! 8D Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

I agree, Good Burger is very enjoyable, if you don’t take it too seriously. But some people just feel like they need to watch dramas with no humor all the time. That’s where the haters come in.

IncredigirlVirginia- People like that annoy me too. Not every film has to be a confusing Sam Mendes or Coen Brothers film with a gazillion metaphors that wins a ton of Oscars.

I agree totally. I will say, though, that I find Coen Brothers(excluding No Country for Old Men :open_mouth: ) funny. O, Brother, Where Art Though was just as funny as metaphorical for me.

Ahh, true, that was good! Don’t get me wrong, I like Coen and I love Sam Mendes (American Beauty and Revolutionary Road are masterpieces imo, despite those who say they’re overrated), but not every film has to be one to be taken seriously.
It’s like when we sat and watched the Scott Pilgrim movie at home. I love the comic books and I knew not to take it seriously and I really enjoyed it. But I had a friend who was like, “well that was boring, and thats so wrong because theres no morals” and I’m like, jeez, you weren’t meant to take it seriously. :slight_smile:

Exactly. I like serious movies, but I still like comedy and pointlessness every once in a while.

I personally don’t have an opinion on most worst movies outside of watching reviews, but I was annoyed about the placement of the first Pokemon movie on a 100 worst movies list. I’ll admit it seems like a bad movie, but it was seriously worse than Theodore Rex, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie and SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2.

But there’s one certain, infamous brazillian company, built on making horribly animated, horribly made (I assume but I’m not gonna waste time watching one of the films) rip offs of popular, good movies mainly by Disney, Dreamworks and Pixar: Video Brinquedo. Notable for bad movies like Ratatoing and Little Cars, plus several other terrible rip offs of good titles. Their films are so bad, I actually feel a bit sick watching even a short amount of a movie. They have bad cgi, bad sfx and are ultimately unlikable. And unfortunately, no company has tried to sue them.

Indeed. Video Brinquedo are a bunch of plagiarismos who have no respect for other people’s work. I bet Pixar (Or Dreamworks for that matter) aren’t suing them because they’re laughing their butts off at the awful rip-offs of their films Video Brinquedo are churning out. I personally wish that Video Brinquedo would get sued by Pixar or Dreamworks, but when you think about it, it’s not really worth it. Pixar and Dreamworks are way more rich and popular than they’ll ever be.

And Video Brinquedo’s animation is so goddamn awful that even Pixar’s earliest short films have way better animation. And no, I’m not exaggerating either, I’m serious. Those shorts were made in the mid 1980s, and Video Brinquedo’s films are made in the 2000s. Do the math. Also, just take a look at this laughable Ratatoing advertisement: … 733594.jpg

Lmao, “Stunning 3D Animation”. EPIC FAIL.