The Worst Movies Ever!

^ Yes, and probably animations fans are the only ones who know it exists, so it wouldn’t be worthy.

And it’s a shame, cause I want to see them broken too.

Anyone ever seen the 1985 movie “Demons”? It’s about thes people who go to see a movie of people changeing into demons, a woman who’s there starts to bleed and goes to the bathroom, see starts to change into a demon too. A girl walks in and the lady bites her so she is now infected with it. The rest of the plot is everyone trying to get out before they get infected or get killed. It’s a movie thet trys to be scary, but it’s more of a comedy. Theres also a robot cop or something. Not the worst movie but it has it’s moments.

anyone here Flash Gordon? That movie was so bad, that my dad and I were easily able to criticize it with our Mystery Science Theater logic, randomly reciting the prominent song that Queen unfortunately had to play in for the movie!


Flash Gordon is not bad!!! It was supposed to look like a comic book, Lance. There’s the excuse for the graphics. They were staying true to the source material. I love FG, personally. I have the special rare DVD printing. :mrgreen: It’s like any 80’s fantasy movie. If you take it too seriously, you’ll never like it.

If I’m not mistaken,didn’t the Last Airbender already recieve the award for worst movie of the year this year?

This is about the worst movie ever, though. So that movie is irrelevant. We can keep discussing no matter what the worst film of 2010 was/is.

No, I brought up that point because every year, we have the Academy Awards celebrating the best movies. And then, we have the Razzies, celebrating the worst in movies.

Yes, The Last Airbender won big at the Razzies.

It certainly deserved all that and an apple pie(with poison in it.)

(for the movie, not the creators.)

I wonder if it will even get a sequal.

Oh, my. I’m just watching Shark Tale for the first time.

I’m sure it was the movie that gave Dreamworks a bad name on the first place.

I pray not.

There’s gonna be a spin off series to the show called Legend of Korra, should be good as long as M. Night Shyamalan dosen’t direct the series or write it. 8D

I’m tired of spin-offs, sequels, and cr@p. What happened to originality? Creativity? Blazing your own path? Good gravyness, I really despise some media today.

And this is somewhat random, but can anybody outside of Pixar make decent sequels today? Anybody?

I think there have been a lot of examples of decent sequels.

About spin-offs… Well, I don’t remember too many examples.

I can’t think of many post-80’s non-Pixar examples, save LotR.

EDIT: and PotC, and Spiderman 2. Not 3.

Well, you might be right about the date range, but there are enough to keep my faith.

Okay, fair enough.

Lol, look at the user rating for Justin Bieber’s new movie:

I knew it would get a bad rating, but goddamn, a 1.1/10. Peple must hate him that much, but I guess I can’t blame them. He’s nothing special at all, he’s just a puppet used by Usher and the music industry for making a crapload of money, pretty much everything wrong with mainstream music. He’s only made a few songs and been active for 2 years, and suddenly that’s enough for him to get his own feature film in cinemas when there are musicians out there who actually have talent. Hell, even I think the guy who sung “Chocolate Rain” deserves a movie more than Bieber.

Lol, I hoped the movie will do bad, YES! I acrally kinda feel sorry for him on the rating.